How the hell did this guy become Ruler for Life of Russia? And the dumb bastards love him for it

how the hell did this guy become Ruler for Life of Russia? And the dumb bastards love him for it

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Because he brought Russia from being a third-world shithole into a respectable country. The Deng of Russia so to speak.

Fuck off Jose, Putin is based.

Wtf are you talking about schizo that's just a monke

Direct descendant of Rurik. It was his destiny to save the Rus.

>he brought Russia from being a third-world shithole into a respectable country
He literally did nothing, only got a free ride with 2000s rising commodity prices. After the boon was over Russia stagnated and Putin's economic performance has been pathetic for years now.

This. Even real monke could do it better than p*tin.


It's kinda like the retards who say how great "Trump's economy" was despite it being a continuation of Obama's economy. Then Trump ran it into the ground (like he does all his businesses) because of how horribly he managed coronavirus.

Attached: obama stock market.png (1168x450, 156.76K)

The best part is that Trump could have used the pandemic for a massive boost in popularity had he simply appealed to murrican patriotism and told people to take shit seriously for their country's future. He could have easily been excused from its inescapable economic effects if he hadn't been dismissive early on.


>obama was a good president
This is what contrarianism does to you.
Trump is not the greatest, but he's the best the situation called for and the damn best we've had in decades.

>we’ve had


>the damn best we've had in decades.

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He's a wreck and I'm a Trump voter. The past year has been horrendous, it's just that China has had it even worse so we put up with it.


did that new bill pass? does it even have a chance of not passing?

I meant we as in the world.
Better than Obama and Bush.

I voted for Trump as a joke (I live in a blue state so it didn't matter), but he's been awful. Everybody president for decades has been bad, but Trump is worse. Even worse than Bush, who was a goddamn moron

you're retarded. does the party pay you to do this shit?

go to sleep.

The economy only recovered after Trump got rid of the Obama era bs

Nah, Clinton was a good president

It was fine under Obama, and then Trump gave tax cuts to everyone during the longest bull market in history, basically building the economy out of Monopoly money by doing this. You should raise taxes when times are good in order to have a surplus when times are bad, as well as being able to lower the taxes to lessen the blow of the bad times.

You didn't actually own a business or deal with real money I imagine.

The economy (job growth, GDP, stock market, etc) were all up massively once Obama helped us recover from the Bush recession.
Clinton hurt the office of the presidency by cheating and lying. Republicans during that era were worse with how they went after him with such vitriol, but Clinton was still bad

Attached: job creation 2.jpg (1280x720, 121.9K)

>bush recession

The housing market scam was put in place during the Clinton years and democrat ran.

why is there so consistently an aussie in Zig Forums who absolutely sucks trump’s cock? Lmfao are you still on “muh greatest ally”

I'm assuming you didn't either because Trump's economy is really recovering fast isn't it?

Can't blame trump for a global "pandemic" and the governors and mayors of different states and cities closing everything down

I'm guessing you've never actually looked at a P&L before. My family's hotels' NOI was up over 100% between Obama taking office and him leaving. Trump continued that trend for a bit, but the growth wasn't as rapid and his horrible handling of coronavirus has crippled that sector.

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>Republicans during that era were worse with how they went after him with such vitriol
Kek, I remember reading about how a democrat politician got shot in the 70's and just a few hours after it happened Nixon sent a literal CIA agent to go plant documents in the shooters apartment framing him as an ardent supporter of some other democrat contender. Seems like they were always scum.

Clinton, trump and obama had way less influence over the economy in their terms than you lot are making it out lol...

That's why I used the word "recovering." You can't force people to do shit in the US, but if Trump suggested to his base to wear masks to slow the pandemic, you bet there would be less cases and the economy's downfall would have been lessened.

I'm sorry but you are a moron for trying to blame a person for a virus and the actions of state and city level politicians

It was the riots and protests that spread the shit around again, showing that the stay at home shit didn't work worth a damn

There were several months before the riots for him to say something

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stop arguing with this guy. the administration literally pays shills to do this shit. its either that or hes disabled or like 60 years old. these people don't matter and taking them seriously just continues the bullshit silent majority myth.

What exactly are you talking about.

Masks obviously don't help otherwise the cases wouldn't be spiking

>im sure i have no idea what you're talking about sir now as i was saying trump is a very stable genius.

lol ok Brayden

This sounds like some serious projection.

>no u
you people are disgusing. fucking off yourself bootlicker you ruined everything this country had.

>dont take it seriously
>dont prepare
>dont wear a mask
>it's a hoax
>>hurr durr it was all the local/state politician's faults
It's the Federal Government's fault (and Trump is the head of that) for not preparing, not reacting, and not supporting the states. If the states were failing, then it's hit fault for not making sure they didn't fail. That's what being a leader is.

That's legitimately you. Anti trump people hold more power especially at a local level, than pro trump people

Trump did support local governments.