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International #1261
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Muzdog bros.. It appears that we have once again gotten too cocky
Is anyone else here learning African American Vernacular English (AKA Ebonics)?
I suffer because I was born in one of the most prosperous countries in the world in the most peaceful and secure period...
This in your language?
God loves everyone even the worst sinners!
Do Americans really?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
We got too cocky muslim bros
Who is the King of Zig Forums?
Do you like spicy latinas?
Are you brown?
What are uni like in you're country? Is it an enjoyable experience?
If your country HAS to have immigration, who are your top 3 model minorities you'd pick?
Why do they spend a lot of money in military?
If you had 3 wishes what would they be?
Do med country inhabitans REALISE how lucky they are be born in HEAVEN on earth??
I want nothing to do with politics anymore
Imagine all the women flocking to Southern Italy because of this movie once the travel ban lifts...
Mom and dad are arguing again
I hate Americans and the foreign leftists who follow their every step towards insanity...
Sverigetråden - Svenska gangsterrappupplagan 悲しい 少年たち
/seerotnettung/ auch /deutsch/
Why do they even pretend to be democratic? Do they expect anyone to believe it?
We Are The Oldest People In Europe
Why do they hate gay?
/ita/ il filo
Name a place on Earth more comfy than rural France
Japanese people used to be based. What happened?
How would your parents react if you brought home an American gf?
How do you say LOW in your country?
Most of you Anons on this website spend all day, every day, reading and posting in English...
Wisconsin thread
/fr/- le francofil
It is not fair that we don't have slur words against white people (especially anglos) in English
Why does this triggers the french?
Whos your favorite blacked actor?
What would your country look like if Germany had won the war?
Why are they so comically evil? It's like someone tried to make a cartoon villain and turned it into a country
Is there a reason Scandinavians look slav?
Do you know what happens when you eat this mushroom?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/lat/ hilo latino
You get $5000 for having sex with any mammal (except humans) weighting at least 15 kg. Which species would you choose?
ITT: Say something nice about the country of another poster
What do you call this country?
You ARE in favour of accepting Hong Kong refugees... right?
I hate every german poster on this site they are all gay left wing scum who jerk off to futa porn
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
I suffer as a 14 year old boy in America
Why do you have to be such a joyless cunt all the time? Lighten up
Both are big countries
Why don't you have a Latina gf yet?
Whats wrong with young white men?
2010 was 10 years ago
How beautiful is the passport from your country?
Alright, just created my character. Time to go join House Telvanni
I made this after traveling across America. Is this accurate?
1 Your country
Poland wants generous EU budget for Central Europe
What countries respect trans rights the most?
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
/med/ - olive oil general
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
/brit /
I was a cowboy (ranch hand and guide actually) in the USA. AMA
People in the usa unironically fistpump and chant 'usa usa usa'
/ita/ - il filo
Why are they so violent?
Americans think wearing a mask is political
Weather today : north america
Weather today : europe
Is being a rich first worlder and killing yourself is cringe or based?
Why are southern germans warm friendly and human and northern germans cold nazi psychos?
Is France the most Americanized country in Europe?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is it true that young Americans hate (like seething hate) Boomers for basically destroying the economy...
/mena/ + /diasflora/
Africa tier poverty in china
What the hell is going on in iran?????????
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Green=supports Xinjiang reeducation camps
A man can dream
/fr/ - francofil
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Post 8values results
Sverigetråden - Norrlandsupplagan
Tfw being indian/paki in the west
Why does Japan looks like a third world country? The only first world looking thing in this picture is the asphalt
Racism doesn't exists. It's just a lie we're to taught by Jews
Me taking a leak in the forest
This is what Iran used to be about before the revolution
What are you drinking right now, brehs?
Shorts, Paris, Halles
Based Erdogan about to humiliate Gayreeks
Why are Americans like this?
Based Putin about the US embassy in Moscow flying LGBT flag:
1. National origin of country of birth
Why are rednecks so retarded?
Honestly speaking
What was Chinese and Indian food like before tomatoes and peppers...
Open curtains
The neighborhood like that is literally peak Polish Dream. Literally everyone want to live like that
What generation do you belong to int?
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
How do you view gen z in your cunt ?
/ita/ - il filo
What can you tell me about guns in your country?
Post funne city names from ur cunt
Hooking up with or dating muslim girls
I am not a ZHANG
Why is Israel so poor...
Why don't you aim for America?
Does your cunt have young teenage girls who stand up for themselves when foreign men are perving on them?
It is Belarus' independence day
Post one of these for your country
Britain? no..thats the netherlands
Muzdog bros.. It seems that once again.. We may have gotten a little bit too cocky
/ישר/ - /isr/ - מהדורת ימח שמם של הג'אניס
Sverigetråden - Elektrisk vedergällning
When was the last time you cried?
What qualities do President Trump and Jesus of Nazareth share?
My country fucking sucks . Yours ?
Why are they always constantly seething about something? Stop being mad please
Muslims are huge catfags, while Chr*stians used to persecute and kill them
If you are a Christian you are my brother, no matter where you live
/fr/ - le francofil
What went wrong?
I met a cute Italian today! He's going to university in Munich in September and he's spending the week here with his...
Does this happen in your country?
Why are you on this site?
Never colonised anyone
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I can’t believe that superpower India hasn’t hosted her olympics yet
Sami people
How germans portrayed themselves in ww2 propganda
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends - 4th of July eve
I would die for Germany
How come Scandis never succeeded in creating great ancient civilizations?
Aren't Russians tired of...constant stagnation?
/ita/ - il filo
I can't think of a single European country I don't like at least a bit. It's really a great part of the world...
Do Scandinavians understand one another?
Americans truly think that their accent is "neutral"
Did this ever happen to you?
Thoughts on this emerging fashion trend in France?
I suffer in finland
/v4/ + friends
Lwow. Home
It looks like India just solved racism
Why Japanese tits so big compared to other East Asian tits?
I've never actually eaten meat in my entire life. Hindus do eat meat other than beef, but in our clan...
Sverigetråden - Isprinsens upplaga
University thread
/lat/ hilo latino
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I just got kicked out of my favorite discord channel. What do I do now?
Before modernity, what could Northern Europeans ever be proud of? Their mud huts? Their illiteracy? Their barbarism?
People of Russia
What did you spend your neetbux on? I got myself a new guitar and some books
Would this be peak Germany?
Kurva anyátok
Oh no no ameribros
Does islam reduce iq?
/esp/ - Hilo español
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Have you ever tried to kill yourself?
1.5 millions infected
Memes aside, is there any race of people you unironically hate and despise?
/cum/ and the gang
Only people who live on islands can post in this thread
Could you live in a commune like this?
So I moved to China and enjoyed it...
Future of the EU
Faces of Zig Forums
I thought fighting back was supposed to be a choice
Wtf is Vietnam's problem?
ITT: We post things we like about other countries
Do German men really?
An hero because some Asian thot probably said no to marriage proposal
Just watched a webm of a taliban with thermal scope eradicating an entire compound of burgers from some elevated porch
If your language doesn't have genders, your a faggot
How do we stop this bros??
Miss japan
Meanwhile in Europe
La France
Why don't mutts study a second language in school?
How do Americans actually feel about all the US hate threads on this board?
Do you take a shower everyday?
I'm scared for my country, Zig Forums
Is my country officially third world?
What european country can a well off brown person move to for a break from Amerimuh
Why do americans do this?
Post a nice pic you have recently taken。
I havent jacked off in 2 weeks and i can feel it consooming my brain...
Japs hate Korea because Korea exists out of struggle, out of determination, out of sheer will...
People under 120 IQ are literally npcs
The virgin PEMDAS vs the Chad GEMA
Suicide after being rejected by her japanese waifu
Do you love Japan?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
India forcibly annexed Portuguese Goa
Colonization thread
Such is life in South Korea
Fuck you americans
I do not wish to live in America for reasons
What happens here?
Hilo latino /lat/
Be straight with me bros, if I cannot stop fapping to lolis should I seek help?
You win 100million dollars. What do you do with it?
25% black
For how long will we be able to ignore politics and not do anything about what's happening?
Which Latin American country do people find most awful?
Are arab girls this perfidious? Dam
So, being real, they are more like fascism than communist or just half-communism/half-capitalism
/fr/ - le francofil
International intelectuals borned in tutorial countries have persuaded our politicians to ban the death penalty and...
Ask an American anything
In Brownzil any white woman is seen as a goddess
Tfw foreigners start speaking in american lingo
Hahahaha no fucking way
Do you want an American gf?
ITT: rating other people's taste in games
Why people ghost online fren
This site makes me racist af
Time for a little game, Zig Forums
Do Americans really propose through Twitter?
Me aburro Zig Forums
He's 67yo
In America, Mexicans magically turn white after 2 generations
What race are they?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why do they treat their indigenous population so badly?
There is something very kino about him. Like he was born to be a bad guy. Takes guts to take on the world superpower
New Zealand looks like THAT?
Why are red heads hated so much ?
God, will these people just admit they are Amazigh and stop larping as Arab...
SverigeTråden - Nattupplaga med Greta
Countries Spain colonized
Hilo latino edición july
Why is Cara Delevingne considered attractive?
Where r u on this chart
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
I love my white masters and I want to see them happy
Cover the HOUSE OF GOD with this thing, the writings on it are made of gold and it costs 10 millions in total
Which is the best country? England or Canada
2019 GDP update
My life goal is to fuck all of Europe, meaning at least one girl (or femboy) from each country. Here's my score so far
Do you want an American gf?
How do I get a hafū gf ?
I want to suck on a Latinas meaty pussy
The mutt meme wasn't really created to shame Americans
British women are ug-
Do girls dress liek this in your country?
What kind of person drinks this in your country?
Is your country friends with Wales? Do people know about Wales in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Are you racist, Zig Forums?
Instantly triggers their neighbors inferiority complexes
I can’t find white girls attractive at all because they’ve been too cruel towards me my whole life
Why are Indian males so ungodly ugly?
One chance at life
Are all cultural perspectives equally valid, int?
/ita/ - il filo
Is there actually a way to tell between a hellene gf and a turk gf?
I unironically want all white males living in America to get out of there and come live in Latin America or Asia...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Could a tourist successfully go "begpacking" in your country?
I need mayo
Left: Yayoi
How do we save Christianity in Europe?
What are Canadian gfs like?
What is this called in your language?
I AM SO JEALOUS of people in EUROPE who live in med or countries with the alps...
Why don't people flee here if shit hits the fan instead of buying Mansions in tiny New Zealand?
Sverigetråden - Rikemansupplagan
The true size of Scandinavia
Which country/people group has the best looking people/phenotypes in ur opinion?
Mother told me I have 2 months to move out. she's says I'm too old to be living with her and I kind of agree...
I'm fucking tired of this board being >>/lgbt/ lite
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
Do Asian women love white men more than their own countrymen in your cunt?
My waifu from Brazil
How do we get europoors to bathe themselves?
Post a picture of your city/town
I'm here to step on your flag again, user
Being black gets you a free place at collegeg in the US
USA? Where are you going? Come back!
Innocent white race
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/lat/ hilo latino
What do you think of this?
Post your city's flag
Thoughts on this part of the globe?
Are ginger hair russians common?
Boderlands/Fallout76 Skills and Perks
Retarded Somali
Like it or not, but Russians are much more closer to Europeans and Americans than to those Chinese. Sadly...
Conscription in 20 days
Why aren't infections going down
Would you die for your country?
Why is everyone so obsessed with us?
Why are they fascists
So why actually do people care about society becoming mixed races...
/ita/ - il filo
What is this called in your country?
When was the last time you had sex?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Sverigetråden Ay Lmao-upplagan
Chicano thread, WE WILL REPLACE THEM edition
ITT: we will summarize different boards with one sentence
Why are anglos always like this when someone complains about their language here?
Post the last vidya you played and what you think of it
Are grilled cheese sandwiches popular where you live?
Am I the only one who thought tomatoes are from Italy?
CHAZ has fallen lol
What was cuisine in pre-Columbian America like?
Zig Forums auch bekannt als /deutsch/
/v4/ + friends
Is it possible for Pakistanis to get a qt hijabi arab gf?
I'm going to be a virgin forever
They took this from me
As a non white male, I think white women are the best
Why are they like this?
Live in US. Want to move to the EU. Where and how?
Macacozil is a brown reggaeton shitho-
Do you think Latin America could be unified in this century?
I'm a 151 cm tall male
Is protestantism real?
Why is the american age requirement for alcohol 21?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post a sandwich from your country
The absolute state of grease
Sverigetråden - Skräpmatsgrillupplagan
What is the manlet cut off rate that makes you undateable to women in your country? Here it is 1.80
Born and raised
/ita/ il filo
What do you guys fap to?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
How often do you see women in your country with stupid hair colors?
What do Indians think of Xinjiang...
Vacation in israel
she is still a virgin
What's the best American cuisine you've eaten?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/fr/ - le francofil
What are some cool words in your language?
The good guys
How would the typical parents react in your country if their daughter brought home a black guy??
Anglocuks don't deserve the mass imigration of 3 milion Hong Kongers
nordoids complaining about "unbearable heat"
Is this accurate?
Have you considered dating foreign women?
/ita/- il filo
Germans dont respect siesta time and will call adn wake you up at 2 pm no problem
Anons favourite
Good afternoon Zig Forumsernational posters! Hope you're all having a wonderful day
I'm always late for work
Sverigetråden - Jaktupplagan
Life is horrible atm
Why do Russians look like Iraqis?
I want to torture a Muslim (dog) then rip off his testicles
I just want to see Aya's full naked body while she's still young
USA but better in every way
What do Italians think of the Roman Republic/Roman Empire? Do they consider themselves Romans?
/wut&trauer/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
This is what they took from you, finno-vgric man
Is this true? And why
/ישר/ - /Ισρ/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת בחוף עם החבר
I Hate sharing the same language with t*em
Eight-Nation Alliance troops (except Russia) that fought against the Boxer Rebellion in China, 1900
/balk/ + friends
Why do Kikes want to annex this? Instead they should go back to Poland imo
1. National country
This is a 3d model of an anime face
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
How did covid19 affect your life?
/fr/ - le francofil
Let's see your Youtube history
I sometimes get wet dreams thinking I'll buy the nissan gtr
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
/med/ - olive oil general
Does anyone here seriously support china over US?
/esp/ - Hilo español
Oh no no no no
Which of these countries is the most powerful?
National Anthems
Kurva anyátok
Is Zig Forums an incel board?
Name a single famous German after 1945
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Have you ever eaten ass ???
They're improving
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
The words from your own tongue which sound German
***** same age*****
Scandinavians have very American accents when they speak English. If anything...
Tfw no Aussie gf
/lat/ hilo latino
What's your hair type?
How come everyone shits on the HRE? l like them though
/ita/ il filo
/mena/ - Iraqi mawwal edition
What is your race Zig Forums?
This is my ideal. Where can I acquire a gf like this? Make fun of me all you want...
I love the Strokes. what band do you love?
This girl has just agreed to go on a date with you. How do you keep her entertained? Do you:
How do I stop feeling like this?
Did u know that 90% of arabs, muslims, indians...
Japanese empire
Xinjiang is the 21st century's Auschwitz. We will be hearing about how we failed the Uighers till the day we die...
2020 is halfway done
Which country/people group has the best looking people/phenotypes in ur opinion?
I just wanna live in the US
Which country has the best dog(s)?
Japanese people go to bed without shoes on
/lat/ hilo latino
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why didn't an Italian-Brazillian or Italian-Argentine subculture develop like Italian-American subculture?
How the hell did this guy become Ruler for Life of Russia? And the dumb bastards love him for it
I want to get brutally fucked and inseminated by a well endowed muscular man
Sketches used by USSR police to identify suspects based on “race”
Italian women are the best looking in the world. And unlike Slavic women who are all schizos...
How are modern young women like in your country?
I don't find white people intimidating...
Wow. Powerful. This is what patriots died for
Are you supposed to talk during sex?
Do Anglo/German American Whites see Italian/Med Americans as white?
Do you have student debt?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2425
What is going to college like in your country
Post your favorite maps
Tfw it's almost certain that currently i live in a room that this guy lived as a student
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine