My life goal is to fuck all of Europe, meaning at least one girl (or femboy) from each country. Here's my score so far.
Not doing very good so far, so is this realistically attainable? I have no interest in a long-term relationship ever, so that will not hold me back. And more importantly, post your own scores eurobros ;3
My life goal is to fuck all of Europe, meaning at least one girl (or femboy) from each country. Here's my score so far
here's mine
Zig Forums is a normie board now, why are you even here? :(
My (M) scoreboard (F only) for europe.
Not pictured: Thailand, Ghana, South Africa
For me it's just The Netherlands and Denmark when it comes down to Europe.
North America: United States and Greenland.
i have nowhere to go :(
Brexit means Brexit
How did you end up in greenland?
How’s my progress, Zig Forums?
I have similar goal, but for the world, also don't care as much about country, as cultural/ethnic groups
also which was the best? Who was the worst?
also only girls
Well I met the Greenlandic girl during my time in Denmark. If that counts for anything.
I got jungle fever.
Best is some nigerian / westafrican girl, man those black exchange students.. I work at the language café at our university.
>Hey I like you
>user are oyu into black girls?
>No, I'm into beautiful girls ;)
>Oh user, no man ever noticed me in germany or seem to like me, you're so special!
unironicly 10/10 black godesses
One let me call her my nigger slave during sex and wanted to be gaged and tiered up. Crazy times man. Crazy times
if we're adding kisses I could color Norway and Italy, never been with an actual relationship with a foreigner though. How is it? I wouldn't do LDR, but assuming you can live closer to each other do you think it's worth it? Not really interested in it myself as I said, but I would imagine there's plenty of challenges for something like that.
I wanted to do ethnic groups but I'm not autistic enough to really be able to decide where the line for different ones goes. Going by countries is way easier.
German was best, Latvian worst. The general consensus among everyone I know seems to be that Germans are good in bed, and I don't know if the Latvian was just an outlier but she was like a dead fish and seemed so inexperienced. I guess some people like that but not me.
enjoy sexually transmitted infections!
Ah that explains it. Cool, was she any good?
>Aussies apparently don't know how to use condoms
>implying any man want to use comdoms
How disgusting are your women?
Yes, very sweet in fact. It was like boning and cuddling at the same time. She was nice n thick too, with a pretty face.
Most of them where exchange students at my university. I'm currently dating the greek girl, will fly there at the end of the month.
idk, I'm all in for adventures and risks. I've been with more foreign girls then german girls, even tho I ultimatly want white children.
not him but I got a belarusian girl through interpals.
Why aren't you together any more?
Scored myself a first gener back in high school
Well to be fair nowadays cultural differences inside Europe are smaller than before, maybe I am stuck in the past. I hope it goes well for you!
It's not like we had a relationship, we slept only two times. Pity though... We could have been more.
Oh I thought so myself until I dated the thai girl.
I only learned how german I am when I lived outside of europe (stayed two month with her in Bangkok)
So many things I took for granted.. trash recycling.. clean drinking water.. the honest mentality we have here (in SEA, even thais try to cheat other thais, its like a great honour to cheat someone without them noticing).
to be fair, I date mostly / only metal / goth chicks, so we have a lot in common, people who listen to those musics usually have a similar mindset. That helps.
But thanks for your wishes :) She seems very nice indeed and caring, even sent me packages with self-made pastery and stuff.
you are sick and should seek help
ahh I hope you don't regret it too much. Its always better to have tried something and don't like it rather then asking yourself what could have been
we have the same haha
>t. Bald & bankrupt
It was a different time (about 10 years ago), when I had quite a different life, in a totally different place. I consider it all as good memories.