What went wrong?

Attached: 000CF41C-E909-47D5-B24F-7F7B7816F62A.png (1200x800, 65.87K)


Low IQ

Attached: 8B719E87-CE2E-4C78-A856-809A7E565431.jpg (650x607, 74.68K)

Is Spain or China best for sex tourism?

arab genes.

We got a satanic jew (Zapatero) instead of Patxi Lopez.

Attached: 1591911410065.jpg (393x296, 55.39K)

Their flag has terrible design.
Let's start from this.

Braindead youth

Attached: 5E797579-FA98-4183-AAB3-9D80AE3DCFA3.png (734x551, 103.06K)

Biting the hand that feeds them

Attached: 70B5CE8B-51FF-4DCF-A489-FD5D07E00604.png (259x194, 105.74K)

arab genes