*DING DING DONG* edition
*DING DING DONG* edition
bump lol
Καλημέρα λωλ
... είμαι 'γω που ακόμα σε αντέχω λαλαλαλα
show me your dong bby *uwu*
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
>1 Euro equals 26,069.80 Vietnamese dong
How the mighty have fallen.
big white euro
small vietnamese dong
How do you feel about us (eventually) adopting the €uro?
bg lev right now is tied to the euro from what i've read (left over since we were tied to the german mark)
so i doubt it will be a big change
will prob increase tourism tho
lol zoomer
Why do you say that? He isn't wrong.
Bulgarians are boring and unfunny
He's not wrong and I didn't claim otherwise but he says 'from what I've read' about things that older people remember well.
I regret watching a Vasko Eftof video some weeks ago because now and each time I open YouLube I see his psycho face.
>Serious question ! What reason Balkan countries has two toilet ? I shit first one by mistake and had to clean 20 min !! Wtf is that ???
ok vute
he shat in a bidet?
>Укpaл 3 кaмиoни co opyжијe зa Cpбитe
based department?
imagine a "peaceful" invasion where the females themselves willingly get impregnated by foreigners
now imagine telling this to anyone 5-10 centuries ago
I was gunna say 'b-but bidets aren't common upon the Balkans' and yeah, it's Turdgay.
Come to think of it Greeks can/should adopt them more instead of piling toilet paper in trash bins, it's just so disgusting.
btw this kind of bidet is super common in Italy from what I've seen in TR it's usually a hose attached to the toilet itself, which makes more sense, what's the point of a whole nother seat?!
where is tranlo?
>imagine a "peaceful" invasion where the females themselves willingly get impregnated by foreigners
isn't that what happened when the bulgars arrived
I am a Greek
there is no difference between the greek and the jew
-t. book
eini yavani
I'd rather trust a snake before a Jew, a Jew before a Greek, but I'd never trust an Armenian.
- Orwell.
prob at the beach
or posting anonymously at best
at least they weren't n words
had a friend who was doing wc comparison of cunts
turkey had it the worst
1. they don't have toilets
they have those school type hole in the ground
2. the hose
What happened to Balkan Chan?
You mean squat toilets? Well, they're the best for public places because men piss all over normal toilets, for that reason in Italy (or at least in the South where I've mostly been to) toilets in bars, pubs, etc don't have the seat on them.
Why yes i passed my exam, how did you know?
the owner committed suicide
I don't? I couldn't care less.
i remember g/edditor saying his amazon host was for 1 year
i guess he didn't renew
there was random people posting but not too many balkanites
Then why are you replying to me?
>his amazon host was for 1 year
because you get the first year for free from AWS
Nice blog sweetie, now fuck off.
>You mean squat toilets?