>Boderlands/Fallout76 Skills and Perks
>Trains and Wall Running canceled
>No Car, Aparment, Character customization
I admit i finally gave up on the polish game company.
Boderlands/Fallout76 Skills and Perks
The driving looks so bad. Looks like driving in Watch Dogs lel
I’m glad they added flags to Zig Forums
The entire development and press rollout for this game looks like watch dogs.
Poland dissapointed me t pooboo.
I don't want it to flops bros
Ok, Finnshit.
It will still get the goty and millions of sales even if they go full SJW (btw alt-right complaining about SJW didn't play or read the witcher which the inequality, intolerance, race wars are classified as bad, same as in the Cyberpunk genre)
I remember seeing the trailer at E3 2012 and I thought it would be brilliant. Then when it came out...
Yup sapkowski or whatever is a fat neckbeard (I read the first two short story books and they aren't bad but sjw for sure)
btw the current limitations are only due to the fact that this game is too ambitious for most PCs to handle and even worse on the consoles.