Boderlands/Fallout76 Skills and Perks

>/vint/ will never come back
I miss it bros

Attached: displeased geralt.jpg (1280x720, 170.2K)

He's very SJW (most polish boomers are btw)
Only neckbeard unedcuated white trash from the US thinks that it's ok with racism, religious wars, wars as a whole or any form of discrimination because it's based.

it looks so bad, how come halo ce which came out 20 years ago has better driving

At least you could ride the train in Watch_Dogs in Cyberpunk you can't.

>he doesn't remember /vint/

They're just trimming the fat, all of those sound like good things. Who cares about riding a train in a game anyway?

yes but can i fuck traps?

It makes the world believable. Imagine if liberty city subway from gta iv wasn’t rideable
It would kill immersion

It's just a long list of cut content at this point, to me it just looks like GTA neonlights edition

yes and you can BE the trap

Attached: cyberpunk 2077 cosplay.jpg (1080x1350, 146.52K)