Have you ever eaten ass ???

Have you ever eaten ass ???
What was it like

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No, i am not American

what’s that weird gang symbol
you a blood or a crip?

no my gf doesn't even like the idea of having her pussy eaten

Pretty cool experience not smelly as most of you think,

The digits are


No, but I've taken it up the ass (without consent)

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he's from Ilbe. A den of south korean inceldom, where they worship white women and complain about how black and white dudes fuck asian women all the time



I don't understand the mechanics of eating an ass. Like what are you even supposed to do?

put tongue in poohole

so, he’s a Triad, got it

2 times

it tastes like absolutely nothing
first time I did it her asshole wasn't that nice. 2nd time on another girl her asshole was very clean but she didn't like it and I had to stop after 20 seconds

if I don't the ass of an 18 year old blonde chick with big ass I WILL kill myself

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eat shit and lick the brown because they can't properly wipe due to being fat
this is peak romanticism in the USA

how is korean butthole? i wanna try

you're not supposed to put your tongue in, just lick it like crazy

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fine. Really only good of the ass is FAT. Make sure the girl understand she has to wash first lol... if they clean right it tastes like skin.
You’re a retard if you put your tongue in. seriously deeply retarded

i've been on both ends it's fun

Why would you do it? I don't get it.
I love ass, and I am obsessed with anal sex, but not eating shit. I will gladly lick her vagina everytime until she orgasms before sex, but not licking ass.

It's kinda submissive and empowering at the same time. Plus you can give women great orgasms by eating ass and fingering at the same time.

I did it 2 or 3 times
Only after a long bath or after swimming I feel an asshole is clean enough and I feel do comfortable enough to do it

My gf doesn't even like it that much but for me it's extremely hot, there is nearly nothing that makes me this hard

what's wrong iwth your hands?

Yes, I'm eating ass all the time, love it...
is2.Zig Forums.org/hm/1592086024026.webm

All the ass eaters from the US must be German diaspora since they all love shit.

No, and haven't ever felt the desire to because I'm not a nigger

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>tfw Murricans don't understand that people from other cunts don't shart 24/7

Palmar fibromatosis

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i fucking love ass so much. i like to grab it by the handful and bury my face in it. i literally dont care if i ingest feces as a consequence.


People who don't understand it's possible to eat ass without eating shit probably think they always take a piss when they cum