God, will these people just admit they are Amazigh and stop larping as Arab. Go back to your animism and stop being Islamic too.
God, will these people just admit they are Amazigh and stop larping as Arab...
Shut the fuck up fat bitch
I'm arab proud fuck you and your CNN news
God is testing me by sending you to me
you are inferior to us
Based. Arab LARPers in North Africa are pretty cringe, desu.
you're forgetting algerians are monkes like pakis tunisians and moroccans can be amazingh lagerians go in camps
algerians are arabist islamist monkeys and should be genocided by amazinghs
>there was a couple kabyle dudes in a class with me at uni
>dunno what the discussion was about, but I refered to Algeria as a "Arab country"
>one of them proceeded to sperg out as he said that Algerians were arabised Berbers and that thus, it wasnt an Arab country even though Arabic is the official language
Why do they do this
tamazgha is cringe
islam state is mega cringe
nationalism is the way to go
Being completely honest here, berbers should just admit that their culture is shit, convert to catholicism, and join spain. North africa is garbage as it is and only free EU money can make it tolerable.
Arabists are monkeys like pakis, cringe subhumans, imagine a group in France claiming France is a German country.
No youre not arab you are a self hating berber
Tunisia isn't that bad
you hate to see it but islam is what made us relevant.
It's not catholic. Did your grandparents tolerate a non-catholic Philippines? No, they didn't let muslims own property and raped their daughters into heaven. Just like they did with Mexico, which is why Mexico has more money than Algeria and Tunisia combined.
>join spain
The Moro Conflict in the Philippines was the Vietnam War of Spain.
>and join spain
Lmao no. Won't work, Spain won't accept them even if they look /med/ physically just like Italy didn't with Libyan-Berbers. Andalusians are already half-Berber but most of Spain dislikes them, even if they are Catholicucks lol.
That's a bit of stretch, they are living beings but I wouldn't call them people.
this thread didnt end up funny
it ended being just inferiors seething at the last humans with honor on earth.
>you hate to see it but islam is what made us relevant.
how so?
but you're also white
>it ended being just inferiors seething at the last humans with honor on earth.
Algerian monkey hated by every normal non criminal human, degenerate criminal scum is what algerians are.
Nobody cared who they were until they put on the mask(hijab)
And now the Philippines is 4/5ths catholic with their retarded chinky leader aiming to deport the rest to china for final extermination. I'd say that's mission accomplished.
Not really considering that part of the country is an absolute shithole
They had no culture or history before islam
Now they have something to larp as
>They had no culture or history before islam
They had their amazingh culture and history with numidia and other kingdoms.
>a bunch of retarded tribesmen doing retarded tribesmen stuff
>culture and history
>a bunch of retarded tribesmen doing retarded tribesmen stuff
>culture and history
Ummmm ayyraps, you listenin????
Oh wow they had currency, very impressive indeed
Shut up American.
>imagine a group in France claiming France is a German country.
French Zig Forumstards do claim that France is Germanic.
Yeah, meanwhile ayyraps had to trade with camels and virgin daughters instead. How advanced!
wrong and inferior
I posted this and then went out for a walk. When I came back I saw that it went immediately into fighting. This was the response I was expecting.
I haven't even mentioned anything about arabs
Shut up Moroccan.
I can see your extra flags, I see through your lies.
extra flags don't show up when you create a post, try again though.
Seetheate, copeate and dilatate
Islamism is arabism. You're not even Egyptian, just an Arab nation with the name of Egypt to cope with the fact that you'd be no different from shitholes like Syria or Iraq lmao
>He fled with his whimpering and shaking tail in between his legs.
God, I'm so fucking handsome.