The average income has been dropping for years now, infrastructure is crumbling, the population is declining, the economy is as weak as ever and NOT growing. Corruption is still rampant. Most people outside of Moscow and a few other major cities live in 3rd world conditions. While life expectancy is increasing, the quality of life remains shit. And what do Russians do in return? Protest, call for changes? No, they give their thieving politicians one landslide victory after another. Russians really hate progress, do they?
Aren't Russians tired of...constant stagnation?
Other urls found in this thread:
Aren't germans tired of a lesbian ex Stasi agent running their country into the ground?
lol what the fuck are you talking about I'm 27 and I make in USD 5 times what both my parents were making in 2000
if I'm lucky I'll build a home on a property by the time I'm 37ish, in the 90es that was basically local gangster tier kind of riches
>t. dimitri living in a run down khrushchyovka with worse living standards than my grandparents had in 1940s australia
prove it
oh that's true, we're in West's 1960es, but we're not stagnating. you are
when a westie says "Russia is worse than Germany", he's right. When he says "Russia is the same as it was 20 years ago", he doesn't know what he's talking about. When he says "Russia is stagnating" he's basically not self-aware with regards to his own country
we have a lot of shit to fix here, and we're likely to live better than and have more our parents, west of East Germany I gather it's not usually like that
When you say the wests 1960s do you mean western europe or american
they dont compare themselves to west that much because most of them dont know english, and that really makes understanding and using western brainwashplatforms really hard. And those who do are just a bunch of incels coping in Zig Forums
Almost everything you said is a lie. Very nice, nigger.
something in between
most who are in their 20es can probably afford a proper contemporary house if they want to by the time they're 40, and that's like the first time in Russian history
but not everybody would want it so it's not like the american dream
and also, three kids only for upper middle class, not like in the US of the past
Nope, all of that true and you know it exactly. People like you, who deny all of Russia's problems, are the biggest reason why Russia will never see progress.
Why you care about it?
Yes, you are a nigger liar.
dude, you havent even been to russhia so you cant blame dimi for russias problems
blessing this thread
>that name
>that flag
Right, Russia is already perfect as it is, no need to improve anything. Stay poor then.
>incels coping
Russia is not perfect but it's not so bad as you say.
Why do Germans always seethe about Russia? Literally every anti Russia thread is started by a "German"
Is it deadbeatdadism?
That's not true though. Besides Westerners don't care if Russians do well or not. They only sing that tune when Russia has strong leaders who threaten them.
Wtf is wrong with you guys lol? What he said is perfectly true and normal. Russia has gone from third world in 90s to second world today.
In fact many Russian posters here are middle class or rich.
imagine what will happen when russia joins the EU
happiness is known in suffering, so we are for Putin
owning like 30 000 rubles doesnt really make you rich
Why are you comparing it to the 90's? It was the lowest modern russia has been
In fact Russia is still barely richer than it was in the 80's
It really is though. In contrast to Russia, other 3rd world countries have the will to improve themselves and actually see progress. If Russia stays that way, then in 100 years it will be one of the least developed countries in the world. Worse than most African nations probably.
if EU parliament or whatever is representative, we'll have enough sway to fix your shit
The EU would go bankrupt.
and? Why you care about it?
because we have to deal with russia's asshole leadership
>If Russia stays that way, then in 100 years it will be one of the least developed countries in the world. Worse than most African nations probably.
Who is we? How does russia affect you in any way?
Ive liked most russians ive met. Good people so far.
>imagine what will happen when russia joins the EU
russia is doing ok, what are you on about?
All the great potential being wasted by a corrupt leadership and its ignorant nationalist supporters is a tragedy not only for Russia itself but for the whole world.
Saudi Arabia is not problem for your government.
Maybe compared to Ukraine and Uzbekistan
I agree with Kraut that we should all strive for the better
thanks for asking
>but for the whole world
nooo we're the special boys we need to be #1
Is she redpilled?
it's 5 in 2018
Russia could be a prosperous bridge between Europe and Asia but it chose to become an isolated hellhole instead