How come Scandis never succeeded in creating great ancient civilizations?

How come Scandis never succeeded in creating great ancient civilizations?

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How come your country is named after scandis

I'm an Armenian. Look at how primitive the non-Christian Scandinavians were compared to the rest of Europe at the time, they didn't even have a writing system more advanced than Sumerians.

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Reminder that Rurik was a swede

before potatoes it was hard to feed a large population

They're subhumans

>norgay reading comprehension

Read about ancient Swedish kings of Greece educate yourself idiot

We are not cruel people who have ambitions of ruling over others. We also have small nations, so it's not like we can do anything but mind our own business.

Iceland PISA: 484
Lithuania PISA: 484
Sweden PISA: 482
Russia PISA: 481

>muh Nordick master race

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Because the scandis have much harsher weather and climate than places like for example italy. People don't have the free time or manpower to create advanced structures, complex systems like written languages and so forth. They had to spend all their time on survival, though it is kinda glossed over that the vikings had poetry, democracy created completely independent from the greeks, distinct cultural style and designs, and they were pretty good metal workers too as there's a decent amount of beautiful jewelry in silver and gold from that time.

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yeah. for about 1/3 of the year the Vikings couldn't work except for hunting or raiding.

Scandinavians are like European version of niggers, they literally stole everything from Meds/Germanics and claimed it to be their "culture", no wonder they love BBC so much they're pretty much family

>great civilization

Lat deim hava den Æra, dei kunna,
og sin Rikdom og Styrke dertil,
naar som berre dei meg vilja unna
og faa raada min Arv, som eg vil.

Let others now quarrel over grandeur,
Let them shine with riches and glory
Among bigwigs I feel uncomfortable,
It is among equals I am happiest.

t. Ivar Aasen

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How many hairs did you lose writing this post?

>Look at the meme
>look at the bottom panel
>Look at the banner in the bottom panel
>My name second from the bottom

Feels really weird seeing this again. I wonder how Smiley is doing.

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fuck scandis


Greeks had came up with advance mathematical formulas, philosophy, politics, arts, literature, etc.

And your pathetic country had?

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>Look mom I posted it again! Will you feed me cum from your futa cock?
That’s you, OP.

You know, we also had poetry, arts, democracy and craft right? Do you think they literally just sat around in wooden huts for their 50 years long life? The limitations had nothing to do with potential but with circumstances. While a greek philosopher could lay around all day and think about why a rock is hard because he lived in a climate which is warm and stable, scandis had to put all their effort in just to survive a single winter.
For the exact same reason it wasn't really an option to live in huge settlements either, people had to spread out to make the most use of the natural resources. I probably don't have to explain how that affects technological advancement and development of higher culture either?

Primitive huts bad
Modern day (((civilized buildings))) good




I went on a baltic cruise once and we stopped in Sweden it was actually a pretty nice place but this was like 15 years ago when I was in highschool

i think they succeeded pretty well compares to the rest of europe at the time, were the franks raiding scandinavia?


too cold, not much arable land

no jews and no connection to god