Why do you have to be such a joyless cunt all the time? Lighten up.
Why do you have to be such a joyless cunt all the time? Lighten up
My parents hate me
fuck off sven
not all of us have access to opium like you
kys Björn
Raindrops keep falling on my head.
What you mean Åke?
This but unironically.
I'm not a joyless cunt. I even recently found a job despite Corona! Soon, i will be taking care of retarded children.
Why should I?
I'm fucking depressed shut the fuck up you faggot
Because i'm bored
The joke being that Anons often complain about not having any of those things. Is this German humor?
My life is shit
There is no conceivable reason to be joyful right now
Because you literally live in the best country in the world
>just be happy bro just b urself
Wanna trade? If you lived in NY like I do you would be so much more depressed
because I'm unemployable at the moment
Others having it worse is no reason to be happy. Should you not allowed to be sad because people in Somalia have it worse?
i dont know why but i have an intense irrational hatred for anything Scandinavian
>goals achieved
I have none
>someone who loves you
I have no gf
>tea and cookies
can't eat cookies, I'm lactose intolerant
>good friends
I never talk to my friends
>pet who is happy to see you
my pet only cares if I feed it or not
I'm not distracted, I'm depressed
you live alone
nobody is gonna care about your brapps
so just eat em
i literally have stage 4 cancer and im the most cheerful person out there
fucking cheer up and smile you cunts the world is beautiful if you can see it
Does that mean terminal or what?
it usually is but no stage 4 means its metastatic and is a very resilient motherfucker to treat and is very likely to come back even after disappearing
its not a death sentence anymore like it used to be because of advances in treatment but understadebly its still cancer and is a very depressing illness
Okay man, live well.
whos gonna get your stuff when you die?
Im going to bar now
i dont have anything other than a pc and a switch really
probably my wife, not planning on dying anytime soon tho since im in remission
give your wife toif you die
he seems lonely
Doesnt lactose "break" when heated
sorry to hear that bro
no worries bro and thanks
its all about making the best out of life, appreciate life it can be easily taken away from you randomly just from you slipping while climbing the stairs
I you have an actual reason to be sad then you're not depressed. Depression is literally the psychological illness of inexplicable/illogical sadness and the retard who made that comic is saying that if you don't have a good reason to be sad then you're not depressed.
Genuinely perplexed by how someone could be this fucking stupid.
I wasn't, but bullying changed me forever. Now I hate the living fuck out of everyone.
even me?
My humor goes beyond a regular's mind.
It's definitely just banal shit that you giggle at, like some schizo would.