Muzdog bros.. It appears that we have once again gotten too cocky..
Muzdog bros.. It appears that we have once again gotten too cocky
doesn't work
what happens?
Ignore OP he is a repressed mentally ill Homosexual, his parents are islamists and he gets off his anger on this site. And he is soyboy that looks like this.
Hijabi girl kisses another girl in the elevator
me behind the camera
iPhone user? Don't worry i took a screenshot
كسمك يا منيك فك عن ربي
Please don’t interact with OP. He is on the cusp of suicide on account of his circumcised penis and fear of getting pozzed from daily gay prolapsing anal sex. Being a bottom in Jordan is not easy, any (you)s specifically about his gay lifestyle or penis could put him over the edge and kill him. Do the right thing.
>Please don’t interact with OP. He is on the cusp of suicide on account of his circumcised penis and fear of getting pozzed from daily gay prolapsing anal sex. Being a bottom in Jordan is not easy, any (you)s specifically about his gay lifestyle or penis could put him over the edge and kill him. Do the right thing.
how do i get gold? link don't work
so he wasn't kidding about calling the suicide hotline?
not gonna lie, i laughed my ass off when he said he would dedicate his life to destroying muzzdogs instead of killing himself
Of course I was, the whole point of that thread dummie
I'll never kill myself, muzdogs won't get rid of me that easily
يا فرخ القحبه
عقللك مضروب انت
بر ابحث ع مساعدة
Shut the fuck up
انت تحتاج مساعده
برا للجامع اللي جنبك
اتقي الله
What do you mean I should blow up the mosque? That's pretty radical man
وين ابوك وامك؟
it's over for muzdogs
لا تتكلم معه انه مريض نفسي
You touched your little brother in his funny places? Wtf? Are you mentally ill? Please stay away from me
What a cutie
T. Nafri
ليه فتره طويله وهو ع الحال هادي
سحبته تعب خلاص سيب
لاكن شكله مريض نفسي حقاني
Hot. I wonder where they are now.
Probably had their lives ruined by muzdog animals
Wtf?? Is it true? I'm going to report him.
More like too pussy.
he is lyin
google translate cant translate northafrican accent
But this can, now what did you say again? Do the signs again please Nafri
Good luck explaining that
disgusting they will go to hell