What did you accomplish during Corona Zig Forums?

What did you accomplish during Corona Zig Forums?

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I beat half life and started cycling.
Nothing else really

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went back to my parents house to help them with stuff and went from david to covid, fuck grandmah homemade food.

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got into jogging, lost some weight, kept my job
not bad overall

I put on 2kg that I lost before, it's also summer's fault.
I'm still a failure with no idea what I should do about it and how to escape israel.

>lose 5 kg
>sports everyday
>Beat Nioh 2
>Made a solo musical project
>Work only from tuesday to thursday since March til end of July due to low activity
It was pretty much holidays. Can't wait for next year 2nd wave

keeping up with my diet, I continue to lose weight. Just got a buzzcut and man it does not look good on me, my face face isn't that sharp to pull it off. I tried to pull off this look and it was an utter failure.

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More than 100 shitposting per day

lost 6kg and finally finished some videogames I had on my list for years

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Maintained my B average in spite of sickness and constant distractions.

Taught myself python
Read american psycho
lost all my friends

wagecucking and whatever accomplishments that entailed.

I like this gif
and good for your weight loss

people talking about losing weight while im bulking at this very moment

Same brah

I lost even more social capabilities

I got rid of the PMI on my mortgage. The only achievements in my life are always fiscal.

Read 8 books
4 mangas
Beat my long distance running record 5 times it's now at 20km
Got a new dream
Had sex
Gaining 2,7 kilos
Kept my job paying me at 100% despite not doing anything
Added 2k to the saving accounts
Quitted weed
I wished quarantined lasted forever

damn user that's a pretty good list

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Jerked off a lot to loli hentai and got drunk daily.

attain discipline

lost all my discipline
built a motorhome with my dad what I didnt pay for because I lost my job
lost 50% of my friends, but dont care
Im going to larp guarantine anyway because I dont really miss the feeling that I should be somewhere doing something

is that a nude painting on the slut's bald cunt? nice.

Sent dick pics to half of discord, some unasked for
Lost 5 kilos,only 5 more for goals

Increased gym frequency since there were much fewer normies there

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Got employed

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is this t-rex form attainable natty?

easy to say that when you don't have my grandmah filling your plate as soon as you look the other way for a sec.

Became more mentally ill.
Social distancing was still the right thing to do.

My turn
Read a bunch of books
Practiced piano
Dissolved a bunch of my friendships
Got readdicted to Zig Forums
Lost a lot of my seed
Stalked my crush online

I bought some land.

I watched a ton of anime and max leveled my class and subclass in Phantasy Star Online 2. The latter took me about 230 hours.

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ha ha ha ha like my cunt is ever gonna be free of this

I got a 4.0 and didn't learn anything

Managed to not drink for 4 weeks.

Picked up reading again bro, I inherited some books from dear old dad on various topics such as WW2, Bismarck, Rome, the American Civil War and more.