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International #1262
Finnish women were built for Turkish, Russian, Without citizenship and American cock
Areas of your country that are getting ravaged by COVID
The future king of Norway
Why is Berlin such a tasteless city?
/ita/ - il filo
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
How are black women viewed in Europe? I’m thinking of leaving the US, but I’m worried about how I will be perceived
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Ruins their own country just to fuck the British out of a colony
Do they really?
Kurva anyátok
Post em
International cute boys
Sverigetråden - Dödsanteckningsboksupplagan
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do you love Mexico?
Her name Zig Forums?
Meanwhile in Burgerland
Americans think wearing a mask is political
/balk/ + friends
Are you more successful than your parents?
Do you have a uni degree? are you a uni student? are you planning to get one?
Buy our cars. They are GOOD
Modern USA in one picture
It's now illegal in Mexico to build your own PC and to get your PC or console repaired
Are Georgians middle eastern? They view themselves as white people
Tell me about your country
Which has been the most important civil war?
Why didn't Americans invest in a proper in depth rail system for cross country and local state rail...
Faces of Zig Forums
I hate this country so much
/ita/ - il filo
Attitudes towards nudity
/north Africa/
Lol, you don't believe in the holocaust?
Flags of Zig Forums
Wow. This century is a Chinese one
17 years difference
You want a girlfriend or just have sex?
/luso/ fio
You're country
Just had my first cigarette. Holy fuck people actually pay for this shit...
When was the last time you were in a state of euphoria?
So last Friday I went to the Rotterdam city center to celebrate obtaining my bachelor degree with some of my friends...
Obese Americans
/fr/ - Le francofil
They really need to protect their history
1. Your cunt
Why are we so fucked?
There is nothing that terrifies me more than my upcoming death...
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Ahh.. Czechocroatoslovakoslovenia
Traditional houses from your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
Why do whites always go for east asians?
Are cute girls common in your countries armoured divisions?
Ok seriously though Turan is overrated idea. We should only unite Oghuz groups and create a country called Oghuzestan
This is what swedish pizza looks like
Why do some Japanese mens look MED?
Sverigetråden - Pubertetsupplagan
I wanna be japanese
So are they the best North African country?
What is this called in your language?
Do American parents really kick their children out when they're 18?
Fuck I need a mulatto gf
Were you bullied or the bully?
Do Brits really?
What hills/mountains have Zig Forums climbed?
Do "Turks" really?
Why do you watch anime?
This board would be good if it was Europeans only. And when I say Europeans I mean actual Europeans...
You Cough You Lose!
The ultimate redpill on Russia
These are Europes most wanted; say something nice about them
Spanish girl acting as Dutch as possible to attract a Dutch mate
/fr/ - Le francofil
Heritage thread
/ישר/-/이스라/-/isr/-/इज़रा/ - מהדורת יום ראשון דיכאון
/polska/ edycja nataly co mi sie marzy
/v4/ + friends
Be 12 y/o
Be regular american girl
Egypt is undeserving of its cultural legacy
The POLYNESIAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity
What do modern Spaniards think about the civil war?
Sverigetråden - 少年たち Svenska gangsterrapupplagan 悲しい
Oh no :(
What attracts convert retards to Islam?
Why are they the best posters on Zig Forums? What's their secret?
How do you flirt with girls in your cunt?
1,000,000 Indian refugees and 1,000,000 Chinese refugees, which one would you rather accept? suicide isn't an option
The Lost River of the Aryans
In an interview that dates from a few years back, Miyazaki not only criticized Hollywood...
How do indians view about their queen?
/esp/ - Hilo español
I love armoured cars. Does your cunt produce armoured cars?
Countries you'd never live in Europe? And what would you bomb?
Why is Eastern Europe still a poor shithole 30 years after the commies left? What's their excuse?
Well I guess the race war is on in America. Any mutts wanna join my right wing death squad?
/med/ - olive oil general
What's the average cost of a small old house in the historic part of your city? Yes asscrack
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2427
What is the most retarded stereotype about your country?
I need to stop smoking guys, any recommendations?
Create a character with a Trønder phenotype
1) You are a cunt
What happens here?
Say something nice about Poland's President daughter. Her name is Kinga Duda
Do you like chinese tourists ?
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Literally has one of the worst borders in the world. what were the brits thinking?
Are libertarians based or cringe?
Saves Europe from Mongols, Napoleon and Hitler
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Hey are you Indian? N-no oh you look Indian
How come there are no africa anons on Zig Forums or on Zig Forums in general
Whats the point of this country?
How is weed viewed in your country? Oh and I’m baked af rn
How are white males like in your country?
/lat/ hilo latino
/ita/ - il filo
Kuruminha getting fucked by BWCs
Is Europe actually like this?
Why Korean food is not as popular as Japanese or Chinese food?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Putin daugther lol
Where can i study abroad for free?
/lat/ - Hilo latino
I suffer in Spain
The future of Japan
Uh oh Europe, our Queens are finding a new home in Europa because we Americans are too intolerant. Enrichment is coming...
This is my ideal. Where can I acquire a gf like this? Make fun of me all you want...
How is it possible to be a worse version of India? Do they have no shame?
Do people eat oatmeal in your country
Dumb shit you've been told as a child
Why is the American leftist psychosis out in full force during election season?? Is it a false flag or what's going on?
Why do Brazilians on Zig Forums hate black people so much...
Do you want a russian gf?
Would other nordics like to live in Iceland?
Hated in India because of my state of origin
This is a worldwide sex icon for people under 20
Do you want to live in my country?
Hilo /lat/ANO
This is Japanese territory
I am obsessed with Latinas. I can't get enough. I haven't fapped to a non-latina is probably a year
The year is 2045. France lives under MAGHREBI RULE. All french males are sissified...
Itt: regions of the world where you want to know what the fuck happens there
You believe in the Big Jew, heathen?
Is Callem right? Are all of the Japanese war crimes 100% fake?
I don't like white people
Are med girls really better gfs?
Opinions on Yeezy?
What's wrong with American suburbs?
There are STILL Americans here posting
Less than 35% white
Do you have someone you can't stop thinking about? I do
This is the reality of being a white male in the US in 2020
Germans and anglos fighting each other over who the best is...
Goddamn communist heathen
I feel bad for native american people... Anymore here?
Haven't left the country in 6 months
/fr/ le francofil
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
/lat/ hilo latino
Have you learned russian yet
I only like boys, does this happen in your cunt?
Is alcoholism a disease?
Are any of you politicians based?
>mfw I see a latinx guy
China was the forefront of humanity for pretty much all of recorded history...
Imagine how far we would've avanced scientifically by now if we would've worked together
Perfect countries were dreams come true and people are happy don't exis-
Germans are like unfunny and strict and they always sound angry
/deutsch/ - die Nachtschicht
Best ethnic group for each race?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why so many european flag posters are actually refugees...
I know it's unlikely but in case of conflict between Russia and China whose side would you take?
Redpill me on this, what happens here
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I feel sorry for Americans
Mfw live in germany
/lat/ hilo cuatro de julio
Do Finnish girls really stick baseball bats into their butts?
Is it true Zig Forums wouldn't love a black girl?
Am I cute? oh I just loves dicks up my ass and I like to embarrass my parents :3 I will kill myself soon <3
Why is baldness such a sensitive topic for men? Is it a universal thing?
Sverigetråden - AAAAAAAAA upplagan
Now that the dust have settled down, who is in the right here?
What do Americans feel when they see this stat?
Foreign language
How long until BLM blow it up?
Tfw Lithuanian is the language closest to how our Evropean ancestors spoke
Kurva anyád
Is Egypt going to fall apart when Ethiopia builds their dam on the Nile??
Latina or Aryan?
Tell me what’s been bothering you lately
4th of July
/ita/ - il filo
A Muslim man enters the shop of a based man, the Muslim says peace be upon you
Eurobros, how are we supposed to compete with American tech companies?
Tell me about the most hated region in your country
I decided today I will convert to Islam, bros
Anyone wanna play?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
That Gun
Calls itself Independent State of Croatia
Why are arabs so good at making music???
We should demolish all buildings and replace them with commieblocks to maximize efficiency
Third world posters are weird. I mean...
ITT: American Inventions
Does this happen in your cunt?
I will be forever grateful for Germans and Czechs for christianizing Poland and making us part of the LATIN civilization
How many immigrants are in your cunt
If you hate homo, it means you are one of them
Say something nice about the country above you
You can only post in this thread if your country never lost a war
Norwegian is a west-nordic language like icelandic and faroese
Please, please nuke this shithole, no one deserves the fate of being alive in a place like this...
/ita/ il filo
Does this happen often in your country?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Sverigetråden - Gustavs episka upplaga
Why yes today we declared independence from Great Britain, how could you tell?
/lat/ - Hilo latino
What's the social situation in Mexico ?
1. your cunt
What are the first 3 things that come to your mind when you think about this country?
Euros will make fun of us for being too right wing...
Ancestor Thread
Time for /Romance/
Choose one of these countries to live
Is this map true?
Just want someone to say something nice about my country for once
Tfw Islam has been proven by science
Support Italian economy in these trying times and buy pic related if you can. Thank you
/fr/- Le francofil
Edicion dip güeb
How did they go from being Mongols to being Arabs?
How does slavic food look like? are they similar to each other or unique?
Why japan?
Tfw no californian gf
Humanity’s greatest accomplishment
Is racism solved in India now?
What happens here?
This is a reconstruction of an old phoenician man that was found in a sarcophagus of the ancient Cartaghe...
What sport is as big as football in your country?
Brown, the superior eye colour of Greeks and God
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I heard your daughter drank alcohol yesterday
American pizza
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
Post third world food
Based or cringe?
/ita/ il filo
Something has just dawned on me
No american culture thread today?
1. what's your faith/religion?
So have Brazilians have finally realized that voting someone into office to trigger the commies epic style might just...
I hope Biden wins
Why don't you all live in flats? Isn't it boring not to live in community?
/deutsch/ hybsche Ausgabe
White people consider this """food"""
Why do you hate koreans?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Indian TikTokers crying after TikTok got Shoah'd in india
Native Americans should despise Mexicans more
Why do people argue French vs Italian cuisine when Spanish is better than both?
Sverigetråden - Estlandssvenska upplagan
He posts on Zig Forums
Hey Zig Forums check my cool dubs
I will never forgive Turkey for turning me Muslim
The most prosperous countries in the world are all located in Europe, or with significant European populations
Denmark won't recover from this
That moroccan enclave in brussels
You will NEVER guess what this country is
Whats your type of girls, Zig Forums ?
I am currently under investigation for insider trading and corporate espionage...
Tfw not born in Japan
Since this is America's birthday, I will post a few interesting facts
Why are american women so voluptuous?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Need to go to the government alcohol store to buy beer for tonight
ITT jokes from you're country
/ita/ il filo
Did you get bullied in school?
Mfw he’s monolingual
How transhumanist is China, Japan and Korea? Most european seem especially hidebound to its potential...
...Anonymous Archived /lang/ - Language Learning
Itt: your favorite Nanking pics
Why are American nationalists so jingoistic and pro-government?
/deutsch/ ehemals /österreich/
Today is the USA's 244 birthday. Say something nice about them
.Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
Are Big Buff Chicks common in your country?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2426.5
I am an African American AMA
A picture of my mom when she was 20
Why are Germans so cruel?
What colour is your hair? Mine is brown
Uh so you don't believe in Bedouins flying on flying horses and men living in the billy of a whale for decades...
A hundred or so years back Russia was China's only ally in a world that despised them...
Why are most posters on Zig Forums slavshits? Or at least they are very disproportionately over-represented there
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Slavs in the red
Do Americans really do this?
Will your country force incels to transition
Which country that you visited was the most different from home?
Hilo latino /lat/
The year is 2045. Turkey lives under KÜRD RULE. All Turkish males are KÜRDized...
>You wake up
Your cunt
Best immigrant group by far
Only true Europe division
Sauna thread
Sverigetråden - Nostalgiupplagan ni vet den känslan
In 1996, a controlled study of 64 heterosexual men (half said they were homophobic by experience...
Why don't you support china
What did you accomplish during Corona Zig Forums?
What's it like in Japan?
Dating in the f*rst world
Tfw no white suburban american gf
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Imagine being an Incel in Ireland
My dad is Muslim and my Mum is catholic
I recently get my spanish nacionality
America collectively sharts at once
/ita/ il filo
/ישר/-/이스라/-/isr/-/इज़रा/ - מהדורת מלא עוד כוס
Who is in the wrong here?
/esp/ edición fabada plus ultra
Is loneliness a problem in your country?
Kurva anyátok
Hahahahahahahahah what the fuck
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Would you live in Armenia?
What is it like to live in Singapore ?
Will your country be friends or foes with CANZUK?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
/v4/ + friends – Poland
Why does Zig Forums attract so many losers
/med/ - olive oil general
Anybody who gatekeeps Turks from identifying as "European" or who questions Turkey as a "European" country is racist
They would side with a backwards dictatorship in a hopeless war with the world’s third largest economy (and probably...
What do aussie accents sound like in other languages
Do Mexicans really?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/fr/ Le Francofil
Literally two world biggest entertainment manipulators not even competing with each other
What is a white person?
How do you expect automation to impact your country?
I want fuck you sex sex sex
Japanese women. Ewww
How can this country be fixed?
Kills human rights faggots with a bonesaw, no one says a thing
I want to take walks outside to get some exercise and sunlight...
What sport is as big as football in your country?
I've dreamed about relationship with a french girlfriend again
ITT: 2030 Zig Forums
Do you have Karens in your cun?
One of the most backwards country in Europe in 1914
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Germany, pls readopt
If you HAD to live in north america, where would you go?
Noooo we did not commit war crime!!!! you China Kim!!!
First July 4th
WTF Mexibros, is this true???
Happy birthday, niggas. Post the most American image you have
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2426
Greatest finn ever was a swede
Are any Mexicans on here part of the cartel?
I suffer in the first world
What you're playing rn?
Explain this Japan, Now!
Are you Hafu? How is your experience being between 2 cultures?
Thailand's blood is Chinese
This map is cringe
I could beat the shit out of all of you nordic faggots, stop making fun of my people
Hilo /lat/ANO
White etnicy
Post your town city flag
Is there a country, other than your own, that you seem to connect to more?
1. country
You are not cute
Why they wanted to be white so bad ?
I just downvoted your comment
Build a road here already, Panama
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ /brit/ /fr/ /polska/ /lat/ /nederdraad/ /mämmi/ /egy/ /ita/ - il filo /balk/ /v4/ Japanese Thread /...
If your country/state doesn't have Culver's I immediately assume it's a third world shit hole
Being ugly + gook is hell. Why did god do this to me
Island dwellers report in
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Why is my ass so hairy when I have no hair on the rest of my body
Dude I freaking love CANADA, everyone is so nice and POLITE, and we got TIM HORTON'S and heckin' FREE healthcare!
When will they apologise for slavery...
/lat/ hilo violin
Hurrrrr the world only speaks English because of the USA, you're not allowed to claim it as a victory
What would you do in this situation?
Gay pride day in St. Petersburg, russia
Is your country prepared to deal with an invasion of American coronazombies?
Tfw I'll never get a job in Japan nor permanent residence
/mena/ Middle East & North Africa General
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/mex/ + /guanajuato/
China steals American technology! (American technology is basically stolen German technology)
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
West good
Map thread
Sverigetråden - arumbaupplagan
How will sexbots change your country's culture? How much will women be replaced by them?
/fr/ - le francofil
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine