Euros will make fun of us for being too right wing, but then you have places in Europe where gays have no rights and Peruvians are being beaten up because they are mistaken for Muslims. Then euros will make fun of us for being too left wing, but then a Scandinavian will get raped by a Somali and feel bad that he got deported, and paternity tests are illegal, and all the schools have mandatory islam prayer day. KEK, you guys can’t make up your fucking minds. Truly a diseased people, stuck in the past and trying to move into the future all the wrong ways.
Euros will make fun of us for being too right wing...
Eli Phillips
Liam Myers
Shut up fat
Oliver Kelly
Shut up, beautiful.
Kevin Young
>amerimutt posting a nigger (probably his cousin)
Nothing new here
Nolan Ross
French boys have sweet lips :)
Lucas Carter
It's my prerogative as European and therefore superior to ALL white Americans to mock you for all reasons and to hypocritical. It's my god given right. That applies to all colonies (read, the rest of world).
Jaxon Bell
Ian Ross
And Brazil is nigger, is that a new?
Blake Flores
>self reported
Ian Harris
euros are butthurt jealous and obsessed simple as