>perfect countries were dreams come true and people are happy don't exis-
Perfect countries were dreams come true and people are happy don't exis-
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at what cost..
stop making this thread dumb argie, you're just as bad as the austrian yellow fever incel who used to spam asian girl threads
you never been to Japan, have you
>were dreams come true and people are happy
you must be a peronist to be this fucking dumb
He's never been to a vagina kek
>Working conditions are grim. Animators often fall asleep at their desks. Henry Thurlow, an American animator living and working in Japan,told BuzzFeed Newshe has been hospitalized multiple times due to illness brought on by exhaustion.
>One studio, Madhouse,was recently accused of violating labor code: Employees were working nearly 400 hours per month and went 37 consecutive days without a single day off. A male animator’s2014 suicidewas classified as a work-related incident after investigators found he had worked more than 600 hours in the month leading up to his death.
Your mum didn't says so
Do you love Japan?