Support Italian economy in these trying times and buy pic related if you can. Thank you

Support Italian economy in these trying times and buy pic related if you can. Thank you.

Attached: Ducati-Streetfighter-V4S-002-1080x611.jpg (1080x611, 158.21K)

I'll just PayPal you.

La ducati è in mano ai tedeschi dall'anno scorso

Support ours firtst instead of Airb*s.

Attached: file.png (1080x718, 999.11K)

Do Ducatis still use the cam mechanism without springs?

I only buy Jap bikes, sorry

i would buy pic rel

Attached: f9557ee7abe0bc3d3b1d51757f79fcbd.jpg (750x410, 59.26K)

One of the best Ferrari designs desu.

yeah and add that the car has 6.5 Naturally aspirated V12 that scream like an Formula 1 car and go into 9000/Rmp
A nice interior
a top speed of 370 Km/h

Attached: ok1-4-750x410.jpg (750x410, 58.76K)

Too bad it's probably the last NA engine they'll ever make. Unless they shift the production outside europe but that's just unthinkable.