Why japan?
Why japan?
I-is he ok?
>after 3 years of nofap
fucking soviet commie subhuman they gonna kill us all with nuclear leak
oh, its japan ? never mind then, just accident man happens to the best of us : )
Is that the guy who got blasted with radiation who they kept reviving to study him?
That story is really fucked up.
Yes. He was like this for 2.5 months apparently
How it feels to chew 5 gum
>who they kept reviving to study him
Holy shit
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were korean labor occupied cities. No japs were harmed during the nuke. The OP is korean to make better diagnoses of nuclear effect.
his family said that if hes gonna die anyway so why not die in a way that contribute to the society. fucked up ppl
I hope this happens to the schizo
let's hope asians never get to rule the world honestly
really souless people i tell you what, even jap the so called honorary white are souless af, all the same man, all the same
Reminds me of youtu.be
Aight fuck it. Nuke the slants.
He got well after 2 days, it was just a flu lol
Quick rundown, who's this guy?
Isn't that the guy who lost his skin after getting into contact with radiation ?
fuck old link
why did they suspend his arms?
Ouchi, that looks painful
To not let him kill himself
what the fuck. 2 nukes werent enough
your mom is waiting your suicides tho
china and paki are the only redpilled country
have sex
Likely to either stabilize core body functions by controlling the blood flow in a certain way, or to keep surface contact of the body with the bed to a minimum to reduce other symptoms like abrasion and bleeding.
You can't be serious, if that was really the case than Japan wouldn't have been so sensitive about nuclear weapons. I'm sorry but it's time to GTFO
that is not the radiation-blasted Japanese guy Ouchi
that's just a Chernobyl victim, the medical equipment in the background was proven to be Soviet
here's a full rundown on what actually happened to Ouchi