>Why yes today we declared independence from Great Britain, how could you tell?
Why yes today we declared independence from Great Britain, how could you tell?
more like signed the slavery contract to israel
looking forward to todays corona data
4th of July is my favorite holiday because of the endless seethe/cope from f*reigners
>"Raising taxes by 0.06% are you, limey? Yeah,well, fuck taxes"
do you really think people think about 4th of july, this is like me coming here and saying that people seeth over são joão
all anglos are slaves to israel, seceding didn't change anything in the end as far as being zogged is concerned
Sorry but only braindead evangelicals love israel.
Corona is fake, we have nothing to worry about.
>Sorry but only braindead evangelicals love israel.
can you point me to where he said 'love'
tick tok
You're going to be assimilated fellow hispanic.
Our homeland predates your evil nation.
Los dos sabemos que Se asimilarán
A national of traitors, America is an unlawful national created because of Bad tax policy
i miss you, son
that is a good thing
Sorry but all mexico has done is rip off spain's culture and history. Cope harder compadre
>Hurr durr muh taxes
Americans were just tired of Europe.
>dia de los muertos
>ripped off of spain
I'm living proof that it won't happen
>são joão
Who or what is that? I want to know whether or seethe or not.
still superior to your culture.
You mean British/ North Western Euros traitors
Lmao you have to try harder than that compadre, your daughters belong to american mutts now.
Don't act like this is only an american thing, you have trannies, gays, and cuckold novelas.
>Bad tax policy
They broke the law and when the colonies asked them to stop they chimped out and tried to starve Massachusetts to death
Is that why you are here and not in Mexico?
You realize I'm going to fuck white women, right?
From what I've seen here, it's the other way around.
Research the history of "gay culture". You'll find it began and is the largest in america.
I live in homeland Tejas.
You mean the land you stole from the Indians?
I'll go straight to the point
>independence from great britain
>still their slaves
i don't think so cletus.
Jk, have a nice USA day
Yes many Tejanos are full blooded spaniards but at least half are mixed with local indigenous tribes. That is why it's called Aztlan.