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Previous: Bulgaria edition

Attached: 23612022-015B-45C2-ACA9-434CB843E05E.jpg (750x931, 346.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Alle reden von mei'm kriminellenUmfeld(Huh!)
>Vergewisserdich, dass dudas Handy stummstellst (Ey, yeah)
>Stammspieler, auch in deiner Wunschelf
>Kein Chinchilla, das ist Kunstpelz
>Siehst du die Kette um mein'n Hals, wie sie funkelt? (Ja)
>Ich streue wieder Salz in eure Wunden (Ja, ja)

Attached: ben.jpg (320x320, 32.02K)

>effendov's ancestors


Attached: 20130908_illusztracio.jpg (1632x1149, 557.53K)

>posting pictures of yourself on Zig Forums


This makes no sense. A shortage of soap, unlikely but possible. How does that mean no baths? There's still water. You can rub your dirt off with sand.
And fuck it, even soap is easy to make, you just need pig fat and wood ashes. We used to make soap at my grandma's in the mid 1990s, its cheap and easy. Everyone knew how to make soap back then.

Oд кaј иcкoчи дoждoв мaмe мy eaм eј, пyкa coнцe и иcтypa цeц

What are you scared of? We'll be nice I promise!

Post ancient traditional songs from your nation.
For the Bulgarian nation, its the traditional Bulgarian national song of the Bulgarian nation Mope Coкoл Пиe (which is Bulgarian)
