I decided today I will convert to Islam, bros

I decided today I will convert to Islam, bros.

Attached: 1560696464229.png (854x800, 282.23K)

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a shut up fat thread died for this.


live stream it when you do a knife/acid/bomb attack

You could learn a language instead. It's more fun than converting to some religion you have no connection to.

Then you my enemy, and I will fucking behead you absolute fucking subhuman then shit on the corpse

>he fell for the 72 virgins meme
Next levrel coomerism here

He's already surrounded by thousands of virgins here idk what he wants out of islam

>You could learn a language instead.
I'm gonna learn Arabic once I convert.

Attached: 1576851956714.png (500x508, 84.42K)

Please don’t follow Hadith. Become a Quranist.