dreamtime edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
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enrolling in education is one of the ways many foreigners can get residencies here, where getting the residency is more important than the university education itself and so many will cheat in uni and do the minimum since it isn't what matters to them
2rd for... umm..
That's right. You need to exercise your body and your brain.
i'm wasted
They're bringing in "refugees" under the guise of studying. T*llinn unis are all a visa scam.
my mother just browses facebook all day for hours with the tv on in the background. i am worried that her brain is becoming mush as it is harder for me to explain something to her. i hate seeing my mother like this, she is someone whom i think has truly wasted her life, both by bad life circumstances (last of 5 children to single parent) and bad choices of her own accord like having 2 kids to 2 different dads where both cut contact as she got pregnant. she is getting hypnotherapy to assist in her losing weight but she isn't making the effort herself to cut out fast food and candy and tells me to 'stop it' when i tell her to quit the bad food. thanks for reading my blog
damn, can't believe my nigga August fucked Will Smith's wife
Well, fair enough
Only PhDs I believe, because they're considered employed
i need to look when did they take that law
Katri Raik before the end of her ministry as interior minister made changes so foreign workers can be easily imported
The highest growing immigrant population is Nigerians.
she has the physical appearance of someone who would do that too
she is in social democratic party
we were ruled by literal commies and eurokikes past 30 years
at least russians looked like you (to some degree)
to be fair you're right about this
AFAIK other European countries take a third option that they invite foreign students to take a preparation year to learn the national language and then allow them to study in it (free), to me this sounds like the best compromise if you want to retain the trained workforce, but Estonian universities seem to worry most about getting dat EU funding per student
tra miks need vasakpoolsed neegri armastajad tõpraid meie riiki impordivad
ekre ka väga parem ei ole, täis schizod on plus tahavad homoseksuaalsuse ära keelata
eesti on putsis
Estonia's Nigerians are high quality though as far as I've observed, polite, intelligent and ambitious. Only problem is loudness and concept of personal space
She's why I'm still alive.
I'm going to go to maxima
anyone wants anything?
nothing for me, thank you. i am content for now.
food poisoining
eestis kahjuks pole normaalset parempoolset parteid
bring me a sara godsword
It's a cultural thing. Even Meds seem loud.
>plus tahavad homoseksuaalsuse ära keelata
oh õudust
My membership ended, I play Ps4 more now.
nad on tõsiusklikud kristlased
helmed on õigeusku või ortodoksid
kurat jõudsid ette
nad on mõisnikud st katoliiklikud
objektiiv jms on katoliiklased
ma arvan et nad niisama larpivad et punkte saada lääne rahvuslastega
are estonian ladies based?