your cunt
the tallest mountain in your country
for me
>2918 meters
Your cunt
Nicholas Brooks
John Perry
3.718 meters
It projects a pyramid shadow to remind Morocco we are kings
Brandon Gutierrez
8,586 M
If you wanna be that guy then
K2, 8611 m
Jayden Kelly
you have to include a pic, Rajeed. Also K2 is the most soulless name ever.
Carson Moore
On all levels except for vertical - Gaiziņkalns is the highest mountain in the world
Jonathan Jackson
It's a giant ass mountain, the fuck do you think it would look like?
Blake Carter
It's technically called Karakoram 2
Hunter Bell
Those are the rules, Raj Kuthrapali.
Michael Howard
Mont Blanc, highest mountain of Europe (without caucasus)
Ethan Parker
Ok then