Your cunt

your cunt
the tallest mountain in your country
for me
>2918 meters

Attached: d89b02dfd48bc10235cc3a9475ddc612.jpg (460x720, 46.87K)


3.718 meters

It projects a pyramid shadow to remind Morocco we are kings

Attached: parque-nacional-teide-senderismo-ascenso-cumbre-sombra.jpg (1024x682, 73.17K)

8,586 M

If you wanna be that guy then
K2, 8611 m

you have to include a pic, Rajeed. Also K2 is the most soulless name ever.

On all levels except for vertical - Gaiziņkalns is the highest mountain in the world

Attached: gaizinkalna-virsotne-latvijas-valsts-ipasuma-varetu-nonakt-tuvaka-pusgada-laika-59ab0b624453f.jpg (672x384, 64.72K)

It's a giant ass mountain, the fuck do you think it would look like?

Attached: images (49).jpg (602x403, 18.55K)

It's technically called Karakoram 2

Those are the rules, Raj Kuthrapali.

Attached: 1586229062517.png (600x394, 505.54K)

Mont Blanc, highest mountain of Europe (without caucasus)

Attached: Mont_Blanc_depuis_Valmorel_2.jpg (1920x1280, 514.04K)

Ok then