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International #1264
What's a country that makes you cringe when you remember it exists?
Imagine the smell
This is for you Zig Forums
Is it wrong to hate israel?
/lat/ hilo latino
This is the flag of Suomi, say something about it
Is it true white women want to be with Mexicans/Chicanos?
He has a Hebrew name
What are you reading now?
Why does every street in Japan have to look like this?
Do smart people get the girls in your country?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Do Americans really?
Post /comfy/ cities, I'll start
Which Asian country is the most diverse in terms of phenotypes?
/lat/ hilo latino
They took this from you
1. Cunt
Seek help
What was living here in the 1990's like?
I just had sleep paralysis and woke up at 4am, does this happen in your country?
American intellectuals, hmm?
Bros, I love girl butts so much that it hurts. There are nearly four billion girls in the world...
Countries for this kind of feel?
What happens to people in your country who
What is your unironic take on this country? Particularly those of you who have spent time here...
In the next moments millions of normalfags around the world will be having sex with most beautiful girls and...
Why can't castizas be white if meds are white??
I get the impression that minorities in America are abused, humiliated, ridiculed...
The only thing I want in life is to live in a small rural village in the Alps
/fr/ - le francofil
Based on your prime childhood era here (ages 5-12), are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
Hilo Latino /lat/
What are your thoughs on Canada?
Serious question, does it feel like your country is dying? I-I-I think ours might be and I'm kinda scared
I am masturbating right now
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why is Zig Forums swinging back to the left?
I'm Chinese from Xinjiang province, can I larp as an aryan?
Eat the rice, pay the price
My brand new gf just admitted her previous ex killed himself when they broke up
The Nevada Army Guard's first religious accommodation waiver granted a Norse Pagan soldier permission to grow a beard...
Why doesn't he visit Poland?
Races of the world
Name the 3 most revolutionary inventions, ill start
/rus/ and friends
French boys
Sverigetråden - Olleupplagan
I need her
Which country has better looking men, mexico or india?
Do you have the obligatory wagie dance ritual at the start of your shift in your cunt?
I know a lot about this region AMA
This is me, is this you too in your country?
What’s wrong with South America?
What's Gigachad's favorite album?
/esp/ - hilo Español
In which country do men have the best jaws?
Is Mexico a prosperous nation with a bright future or a hopeless shithole forever destined to be a hotbed of organized...
Would you kill a child for life changing money?
How come 28% of Welsh people can speak welsh despite being completely integrated into England 500 years ago...
Pre-coronavirus - $4.00/lb ground beef
Where would you rather live?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
To the Zhang Diaspora here, why did you leave China?
/fr/ - le francofil
/lat/ hilo latino
How does dating in Muslim countries work? I can't imagine everyone gets arranged marriages. So how does it work?
Your country
Why does my country have so many pedophiles
When does the world decide to collectively eliminate this degenerate vile tumor?
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Who is the best looking people in the world?
Why can't americans drive manual?
his country doesn’t have nuclear bombs
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Have you started thinking in English yet?
What's your opinion about Latin-american?
What made the economy of Argentina collapse?
No japanese parents
Personal experience with SA exchange students
ITT: Zig Forums in 1962
Are you fucking retarded?
North Korea makes intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles.a lot of other weapons
I want a gf like this how can I get one? I'm a salvadoran incel
Why do facists do this?
Kurva anyátok
Please come to Miami and impregnate our women
Is your president or prime minister mentally retarded?
/nl Redpill me about Amsterdam
Sverigetråden - Gyllene En upplagan
What's your favorite Finno-ugric language?
Us Belgians don't think about your country at all. How does that make you feel?
What happens there?
MENA bros that understand us on a regional level
Whats your favorite anglo country?
Mmmm roasted SS smells good
Oh no africanbros
How is europe dealing with the southron menace?
Holy fucking shit bros, just look what I've just come across:
Im SO lonely ALL my life. And I caught so many unjust knives in my soul from people...
/fr/ - le francophonofil
All you niggas probably got funny accents
What do you think they talked about?
Despite making up less than 5% of Finland's population, Fennoswedes make 100% of Finns speak their language
Do people like Australians in your country?
Tell me about the Special forces of your country
/lat/ hilo latino
1. Your country
/ita/ il filo
Thoughts on this shithole?
Please impregnanant our women
I know white people wants to genocide, can you guys do this with Gangetic indians? Most useless human beings ever...
How do mosques look like in your country? Have you ever meet a muslim irl? Are they mostly foreign immigrants or locals...
Why are they so arrogant?
Do americans really host competition for fucking knowing "their" language?
Do Russians consider them selves more Asiatic
What phenotype is this?
Non-mutts, which group of people are the niggers of your country. For us, it is these guys
Sverigetråden - 悲しい少年 Svenska rappupplagan 悲しい少年
This sentence is false
/v4/ + frens
1. Ur cunt
So with Scotland's seemingly inevitable Independence, what does the future hold for England...grovelling or greatness?
/ita/ il filo
France... Italy... Spain... maybe even Germany have many beautiful cities but England has very little... why???
Wtf is happening here? are they really communist now?
Oh say can you see
The Danish military measure the weight, height and IQ of all 18-year-old males and volunteering 18-year-old females
Are English Americans the forgotten immigrant group?
Why white men are doing it? I do not understand
I turned 18 today
Bros...how could this happen
Do you live alone? I want to, but I'm too scared
WW2 hero: Shiro Ishii worship thread
How the fuck do fire a bolt-action rifle one-handedly?
Do they have any traditional clothing?
/fr/ - Le fil français
Do people in your country really look like this?
Post the average wyman from your cunt
Can any Scandinavians confirm the situation over there?
Do people outside the Americas learn anything about Native American societies and civilizations at school?
/balt/ + /ausnz/:
Are people from the Balkans white?
Are Asians just white people with funny eyes?
Sverigetråden - H0m0s upplaga
Why are Nordic women so much physically larger than Mediterranean women?
ITT: Countries that are impossible to hate
I would slaughter, villages and cities for this whore
Looking for nice friends
/ita/ - il filo
What would you do to this korean webtoon artist?
This is a schizo thread, i am the only one who is allowed to reply to this thread
English used to be a beautiful germanic language:
/lang/ - language learning general
This board is too eurocentric
even fucking Austria took a piece
How did your parents meet?
NOW this is CUTE
This average anatolian village
No military service with the bros
Post windmills from your country
What am I supposed to say when a girl says "sorry but I don't date asian guys"?
Literally any fucking thread
French don't know how lucky they are getting west african migrants
Do Japanese people REALLY look like this?!
I see Swedes and Germans abandoning nuclear power in favor of coal as a declaration of war...
Ah yes, Asian girls
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Rangeban jordan please
Why don't people live in Southern Portugal?
What is your job/education, Zig Forums?
This is Taiwan senator Lai Pin-yu
Enter your room
Danes, are you for real:
Martian surface... home
If you are replying to a white mans flag chances are very high that he looks like this
What are some signs of a decaying civilization?
How many white points do you score?
Am I cute? doesn't matter im killing myself today :3 goodbye
/ita/ - il filo
Lexical distance between languages
Why Asians are the catalyst of technological innovations?
In Italy we have these things called "bestemmie" which are swearwords that involve insulting God. Lots of people...
The iberian is a warrior race, leave the sciences and maths to the germans and the anglos...
113 billion € of net contribution to the EU budget since 1976
Is Islam based?
Just fixed Europe
Whaddaya mean we're not european for smoking weed and swearing regularly?
Is BTS really popular in the USA...
How tf could this Korea guy got a blonde ok-is white girlfriend. I like him but just curious
Why the Hate bros?
Our brother :)
News thread
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Psykopatiska telepatiska dockupplagan
/ישר/ - /изp/ - /isr/ - /อิสร/ - טסים לנתניה 2
Is ASEAN Like a South-East Asian EU?
Dutch people put mayonaise on french fries
What difficulty level are you playing on?
What's it like living in a country with mandatory conscription? Do people actually enjoy it?
This was a logical thinking question used in Dutch high schools
You're a cunt
Create communism
Post pictures of your parents' past
For how long can they keep seething about it? Communism collapsed 30 years ago
You cunt
Haven't done jack shit at work for 3 weeks now
Which country is the most mixed race?
There are more single, 16-25 yo chinese girls ready to jump on any westerners cock than people in my country
You’re probably aware of this Korean Ulzzang subculture, you know, faggy looking guys and doll faced girls
Spain LOVES Poland
My filipina gf told me she never drank tea in her life. When I visit the Philippines...
Damn, Germany, so sorry
Remember the innocent old days when Islamic Communism was just a far fetched joke?
How should I play as?
Say "China has done bad things."
Just realized that India has been a superpower for 6 months
Do you love Japan?
Kurva anyátok
Reddit hates America
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2430
/lat/ hilo latino
Japs use gaijin
Why is Japan so racist?
/med/ - olive oil general
/cum/ - canada us mexico
We are as worth visiting as spain, france or italy please come here
English is their first language
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Culture from white ancestors
This is heartbreaking
/ita/ - il filo
Why are they different countries if they all speak spanish?
I want a saudi arabian bf to beat and stone me during sex and throw me off a roof
America? Are you okay?
Hilo /esp/añol
1. your cunt
They do. They really do
Do you want to find a Indian GF? How often do they date people outside of their race?
/deutsch/ am Morgen
Why do Australians chop their foreskins off, but New Zealaneders don't?
1. your country
(((They))) took this from us
Work 60 hours a week
Who's your country's brother?
Based. Deep state in panic mode
If there was an Zig Forums meetup how easy will it be for another user to have sex with you...
Why is the Danes so erotic?
What did Kim mean by this
I am half Armenian
Are Japanese the ugliest Asians?
Asian girls being whore for white men
My gf forces me to wear condoms during s*x
Don't eat me bro
When exactly did Europe start turning on the US?
White and asian women be like
Do you like Japanese fashion?
/luso/ fio lusófono
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Are Mexicans the ugliest latinos?
This lockdown is fucking me up bros
You have only 40 $!!!!
Accent thread
I'm a salvadoran user and I want a gf like this
/fr/ Francofil francophone
L'm learning Italian
Brazilian singer starts to date her brother (irmão) and makes a video to show their love
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Guess country
Why can't those guys make a good video game or a good comic?
Is this true in your country?
Do you love your mother?
/lat/ hilo latino
Itt: we scare Americans
Are Brazilians the ugliest Latinos?
"So what do you get up to in your spare time?"
Are you 30?
What is dating like in your country?
Gay clubs are finally open in Russia
What's one thing you like about the USA and one thing you don't like?
Western Unity!
What's with this stupid language
Which countries’ relationship does this illustrate best?
/lang/ - language learning general
Who did it best?
You now remember the Australian user who doxxed that French roastie tripfag and went to jail for it because doxxing Zig...
Would I be accepted in japan. I hate this wh*Te country I wish to leave in 1.87 years
You are a leader of one of the VII century Slavic tribes...
I just love this man so much. Greatest president ever
I want to become a porn producer and make a BROWNED site but I don't want the white american elite to suicide me to the...
What is your country's stance on TikTok?
Did you know that the USA is only 60% non-Hispanic white?
The endless debate
/sag/ South Africa General
How diverse is your friend group?
/fr/ - le francofil
Hilo /lat/ANO
I can't stop thinking in English
1. your cunt
Why aren’t CHIcanos killed en masse? They serve no purpose
How racist would you say your country is?
Be mexican
It will never happen
Japanese master Indian architecture more than Indians themself
Can we just talk about finland(suomi) for a moment
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How much of this modern day resurgence amongst young men of "traditional values" is simply cope due to lack of sex?
So I was wondering
What's the best country on Earth?
Europeans be like: Americans are so racist! How could you treat the blacks like that!
Do you enjoy classical music?
Are red haired people white?
/ita/ - il filo
/Third World/
So I’ve been thinking of importing a wife from one of the Slavic countries and I’m at the point where I have to...
I hate my father
The perfect phenotype
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Any Catholics on Zig Forums?
How much does a Zig Forums Janitor make in your country?
Would you like a Brazilian native wife?
Where do I find a gf like this?
Did you watch American cartoons growing up?
Putin appreciation thread
How whitey am I?
Are brazilian boys as cute as the memes makes them out to be?
Heritage thread, not seen one for a little while, post yours!
/lat/ hilo latino
Can you guys stop talking about nazi stuff here please, it makes our german frens feel uncomfortable
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why it is easy for normalfags to have sex or get a girlfriend?
What do Greeks and North Macedonians think of each other?
When you remember your libertarian phase
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
40,8% of poverty percentage (expected to be around 50% by the end of the year and 75% in the next 2)
What went wrong with Sweden, Zig Forums?
How's the dating scene in your cunt?
Beards of int
Pourquoi ont ils autant peur des langues étrangères ?
Actually did you know that Islam is compatible with evolution and that prophet Muhammad PUBG was the first feminis
Your cunt
/fr/ - le francofil
Can they survive on their own when the West falls?
Out of all the immigrant groups to America...
Sverigetråden - Jaktupplagan
My 16 year old cousin is coming over today. She's super likely to flirt but I think she'll actually be grown now...
Italian Brazilians
Why do Russian girls look like they're really into femdom?
Damn Italians were chads then too
What would your country's Mount Rushmore look like?
/luso/ fio lusófono
I hate summer
What are the biggest differences between these countries? Can they tell each other apart?
Do they really?
Is this really Sverige????
How many women have you had sex with in your life?
/sino/ - China & Asian tigers
Bro, you're 22 and she's just 18
Attempted Lynching 2020
They're collapsing
Auschwitz, in Polish Oświęcim, is actually a nice, cozy peaceful town...
Look like pretty cool and decent people in real life
/ita/ il filo
Are they the bottom of the barrel of Europe?
My friends sister (15) got beaten up and bullied by this girl in her school (13 years old, really tall ~1...
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
My mom wants me to find a job otherwise she'll throw me out but I'm only 22
Is it normal that i dont find asian girls attractive but find eurasians super hot ?
The US is a large third world country that's being ripped apart at the seams...
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Has your country ever been treated badly by Amerifat?
/fr/ - le francofil
Does your cunt have based posters?
Bolsonaro got the coof
Why do you faggots hate me and my people?
Countries for this feel?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/lat/ - hilo latino
Which WWII campaign was the most cinematic?
Your country
How do you dress
Where do you rank in the Japanese social hierarchy?
Why is everybody forced to wear masks but not scandinavians?
In a few hundred years, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Holland will speak English as their first language
181 cm
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Fuck haploautists and gene memers, feet shape is the true determinant of race
God i wish i would have pic rel
Why the fuck don't white people season their food?
Are we on the verge of the Neo-British Empire?
Races of Asia
/lang/ - language learning general
/ita/-il filo
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Today I went shopping with this facemask
Frvnce...has risen
Do Peruvians really?
Good Lord what is going on in Eastern Europe
2020 AD
Any other veterans here?
Post the most iconic and stereotypical name of your country
Sven svensson
Russia is even poorer than I imagined. Most of the country's GDP per capita is literally third world tier...
What are some moments of shame that your country will never live down?
The circus of europe
This is how Arab men greet each other
Did you have a good childhood?
Do you love or hate your neighbouring countries?
Is america safe for swedish tourists (boy)?
The a word
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine