Which Asian country is the most diverse in terms of phenotypes?

Which Asian country is the most diverse in terms of phenotypes?

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All of them except Korea

First place Indonesia.
Second place might be China.



I would guess Philippines or Indonesia




China due to its sheer size and population alone

But over 90% of them belong to the same ethnic group.

genetical variety, not ethnicity
Han is just bunch of different ethnicities that got chinkified


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In term of percentage, it should be Singapore or Malaysia. China is just mainly Southern Han and Northern Han


>North Korea is non-religious
Jeez I wonder how their society works without anything to back them up spiritually. Must be depressing as fuck

I'm pretty sure most Indonesians and Filipinos have the same phenotype

Either China or the Philippines, depending on whether you take into consideration size. The thing about the Philippines is not only that they got immigration from random places but also that they often mixed, while in other places segregation was more common.

Not really they have Russians, Turks, Mongols, Koreans (Nigerians if you count recent immigrations)

the most mixed asian country is malaysia, not philippines, they're literal mongrel country, being in the commonwealth mad them constantly off the hook of any slander
the most diverse asian counry is unironically india

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Singapore and Malaysia

Attached: malaysia truly asia.jpg (1024x768, 93.9K)

Percentage wise neglible. There are like 10,000 Nigerians living in China. And none of those foreigners are Chinese citizens, so Idk why you would include them.

China is 99% Han Chinese. Also no foreigners get Chinese citizenship so those recent immigrants will never get accepted as Chinese.

Han is not an ethnicity you dumbasses

JOMON vs Y*yoi is a pervasive trope it seems

Papuan, Flores, NTB, NTT basically most of eastern Indonesia have different phenotype from Javanese and rest of western Indonesians.

they unironically worship the Kims instead

It's missing in the map but the absolute answer has to be India

Malaysia, Singapore.

Indians plus various wave of chinks thanks to the brits

We are whites, not asians

>3+ pheno
China (sunda south, sino north, west turkic, sino-indian south-west)
Singapore( malay, sino, indian)
Malaysia (native sunda malay, native black malay, indian, malay)
>2 pheno
Indonesia ( australoid, sunda.) ( is arab are 'native' in Aceh? They arrived at middle ages)
Japan (yomon, yayoi)
Philipines (sunda, negrito)
Taiwan (native sunda, sino)

That was native based