Why is Zig Forums swinging back to the left?

I thought cringey SJWs already killed leftism in 2014

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Left? this site is literally Zig Forums anytime you post someone dark and attractive it makes all the germanic countries seethe. Definately pol.

everybody got tired of Zig Forums's bullshit

Zig Forums was always contrarian. It originally was peak chaotic neutral, then the fedora meme came, then former Zig Forumstards went crazy when Trump won

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It's still pretty right wing. Atleast socially

A lot of lefties don't enjoy the crazy sjws.

It’s just this board and the handful of spoiled NEETs who are upset that daddy Trump didn’t fix their problem. On to the next daddy.

fuck far right and far left the only sensible political views are centrist

newfag here; those were the days...

I'm a hardcore contrarian
I always pick the losing side no matter what