Say "China has done bad things."

>Say "China has done bad things."

why do they do this?

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Because it's true

Chinese government pays them

Stop arguing in bad faith then cuck.

because to them china represents asian power and as asian incels in western society they constantly feel emasculated and under siege so china appears like a powerful force to cling to that represents all asians and will make sure every asian incel will get a white gf

or they just get paid

t. Muhammad
My uncle killed like 40 of your bros in Afghanistan. Just saying.

Maybe try stoppjng muttistan from doing those bad things instead of just fixating on right wing countries like china.

god I wish

why would you defend the US
Also every bad thing china does, the US does to a worse degree

they're right though US is way more of a global threat than China

Anglo zoomers don't understand geopolitics at all. They honestly think that mutt leftoid dominance of global culture is natural and normal. It's so fucking bizarre.

I unironically think the world would be better if there was one country on Earth and all the current countries were given territory in space to fight over.

t. OP

Attached: 1594085208809.jpg (660x574, 53.04K)

>Same as Afghanistan, around 6,000 km away

They're literally paid to.
Look up wumao and their playbook. They love whataboutism even if what they brought up isn't even relevant to the initial statement.

wtf i can get paid?

ayo any chang here can hook a brother up?

my uncle killed 3000 of you in NYC

t. muhammad

>Also every bad thing china does, the US does to a worse degree
That is just not true.

It’s funny because you are literally engaging in whataboutism right now. Also nice bad faith argument.

This. Remember when China illegally invaded the right wing country of Iraq or when they slaughtered right wing Assad supporters in Syria.

I cannot believe that you would engage in whataboutism right there

Stop engaging in whataboutism

That's a bad faith argument right there if I've ever seen one

Because you are worse and you look bad when you badmouth based CHINA

it literally is you ABSOLUTE retard

but your country has done bad things, how can you complain about other countries?

Based. America at least has made up for up for it by being a diverse melting pot of cultures. Europe is still 99% European and looks like a Nazi era film even today.

Bin Laden was defending humanity from the Jewish Golem, America.

As much as I'd agree with you, 1488, I can tell you with confidence, Honkong, Taiwan, Philippines and India fucking want Chink Chong dead.
They've been doing nothing but undermine representation and progress of other asian countries by protocol sabotage.
If anyone bitches and whines about

Tell them the rest of Asia wants the fucking chinks dead because they're nothing but parasites like the jews.

>you can't say that
No one censores you to stop speaking.
I only see people comparing USA and China and americucks whining about whataboutism.

Chinese are secretly racist. They pretend to be with you until they got advantage and youre fucked

I hate chinks but name one time china has attacked another sovereign country? The only bully uighur qts and Hong Kong protesters. They don't shit outside their own country