Pre-coronavirus - $4.00/lb ground beef

>pre-coronavirus - $4.00/lb ground beef
>now - $8.00+/lb ground beef

How are you dealing with rising food prices?

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My parents pay for it

Not a problem here

Imagine not living in Texas where there’s a huge cattle population

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I literally just bought a whole chicken for five dollars.

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The only chicken prices that haven't increased are Costco rotisserie chickens and so far, KFC chicken.

We have a beef shortage because the Albertan meat plants keep getting the 'rona and we have to import from the US.

A bunch of other food items are increasing in prices as well.

>Unemployment from 5.5% to 14%
>Labour force participation rate less than 60%
>Period of deflation
>Transfer payments we won't be able to pay off and add to the national debt

Anyone get fucked Harder then Canada from covid19 ?

Canada is way too fucking reactionary in response to COVID.

>get a few cases
>shit everything down
>tank the entire economy
>plans to lower the national debt gets thrown out the window
>now historical debt

I mean, yeah, we should be cautionary and safe. We're hit way softer than other countries, but we're reacting way harder than we should. It's crazy.

i'm literally stealing food to save money

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We're going to get fucked harder