/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

Po' boy edition

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I miss Berta already

reading about Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository

Still watching deep space 9

what happened to berta

I want to eat Cajun food

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got permabanned because he said he would post cheese pizza

fun fact
Louisiana is sinking at the rate of 5mm per year

based retard jannies

banned for posting trains eh

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QRD on Kennesaw, Georgia?

Conway, Arkansas

What’s the connection between Kennesaw and Conway?


Jews fear the gay man

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Poor guy

hey lads
i am gay and obviously thought /cum/ would fit but they told me the gays are here

so, what's up? beside your dick ifyanowwhatimean

while there may be more genuine homosexuals in /dixie/, /cum/ is still the gayest general so you should go back there

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piss shit balls

True. So true.

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cum town sucks now

im sorry /dixie/ i lied to you when i said i have a big cock
i actually have a gigantic cock its impressive really
barely fits in there i have to make knots to save place
this is actually the reason i dont have sex its cause its too big
this is a curse help

Did you manage to get in touch with him?

Is that so

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you are welcome in new orleans but not in rural southern louisana

yuropoops do not belong in the united states

snailmail and smoke signals

>rural southern louisana
My favorite


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i'm referring to actual cajunland

ew EWWWW What the fuck

spanish doesn't sound that bad when spoken
maybe it sounds even better than spoken french

Who said that it did? It doesn't sound better than French or Italian though. Portuguese is too weird to rank and Romanian I've heard spoken like three times in my entire life.

I thought it was common to assume that spoken spanish is ugly and spoken french is sexy

oh I guess because Castillan Spanish speakers lisp so much