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International #1266
/fr/ - le francofil
This land is mine. God gave this land to me
Which one do you prefer, Android or iPhone?
Hilo /lat/ANO
Is your country hard mode?
ITT: things a nationality says that's a dead giveaway where they're from
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you didn't achieve that because of your hard work, it was just because of God wanted it
Why are Americans so fucked in the head
Official Zig Forums ethnic tier list
What body parts straight men shave in your cunt?
Oh no no no muzdogs, we get too cocky
Thoughts on our newest addition, EUchads?
Would you date a Brazilian woman(male)?
Uh oh what the fuck is this? Is this.. Is this a picture of prophet Muhammad PUBG having sex with a.. Pig!!!????...
Why do so many Japanese have noses and teeth like pic related
Why do Americans fear wearing masks so much? Even though already over 1% of their population is infected...
Why do dark haired men look so alpha?
So this is the average life of Slavs?
This is Utqiagvik (formerly known as Barrow), the northernmost town in the United States
Amsterdam is just a shitty copy of Bruges
Why can't angloids mind their own business? This is literally the only decent tv show on italian tv
Sverigetråden - Elias
You will never pass
You were never vikings, find your own history
Why don't you join us?
Poland is more German then you would think
African bois look like THAT??
Have you ever been in a near death situation?
Do you like Arab boys?
/ita/ - il filo
ITALY BTFO by Wilders
1. your cunt
Your cunt
Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable
But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners
In america those with liberal arts degrees earn more then those with stem degrees
What does your country's prime minister look like?
/fr/ - Le fil français
How are faggots treated in your country?
What is the most kino Asian language?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is this map accurate?
Why do they LARP as meds?
ITT: Zig Forums counts to five
Some people can trace their families centuries back in time
Why won't Iceland, Germany, Sweden, China and Japan let you name your baby what you want?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
"Some estimates have almost 22 percent of Downtown Houston being covered with surface parking."
/ישר/ - /ܝܣܪ/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ - מהדורת ההיסטוריה האמיתית
Post ur cunts armed police
What happened ?
Niggers of the mediterranean
Now that the dust has settled
My life will never get better, what's a good painless way of leaving this life behind?
I am cute
Sverigetråden - Antimaterialismupplagan
Countries for this feel?
This is based
In America even the blacks get cucked
In Finland we have these
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are they like this? How did this happen? And was there something that caused it?
Hey Italy
Tier the world leaders
The Netherlands dethroned Germany of being the most bullied country on Zig Forums within a week
I will never buy an italian/japanese product
What do the French and Spanish think of the basque?
Can anyone explain why former Germany-ruled areas are more liberal in Poland? There are barely any Germans left there...
Why do Serbians love China so much?
Indian Politicians throw booze at each other amidst COVID lockdown during celebrations
Tell me about Israelí culture
Hilo /esp/ versión elecciones
Is any country more soulless than these ones?
Gf roll
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
White people let their girlfriends and daughters travel alone
My country is completely irrelevant. Noone knows anything about it...
Kurva anyátok
Who are you gonna vote for Zig Forums?
Someone just broke into our apartment and stole my fathers bike. what are some steps i cant take to find the bike...
Thoughts on this image?
American cuisine
/med/ - olive oil general
My girlfriend is hellbent on volunteering in Haiti next year. I tried to talk her out of it but she’s not relenting
Hilo /lat/ANO
/v4/ + friends
The wheat fields of evropa
American education is genuinely bad
Does your race go through this?
Have you ever actually posted your face in these "faces of int" threads?
The last bastion of SOVL and real western civilization
1. Your native language
I suffer in america
Soviets tried to create a domesticated breed of foxes, selectively breeding the most docile and obedient ones...
Americans will defend this
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Stalin? the greatest hero georgia ever had
Say something that would get you arrested if you lived in China
1. Your country
Spanish colonists: race mixing sex sex sex!
Do americans really?
What's it like being asian male in the west?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Smell BBQ outside my window
Stop lifting and being strong, masculine if you are into the “le kawayi trad Asian waifu” meme...
Are landwhales in your country delusional enough to think that they have value or not?
ITT: Asian women in the west
/luso/ fio lusófono
What should I learn as a second language
Your cunt-reeee
Why is that Algerian so obsessed with homosexuals?
Is it true that cats are abused more often in europe?
Masks are for faggots
Magabros... we got too cocky
How do I get a New Jersey gf?
Do you like the fact that your family immigrated from another country?
Americans believe everyone should be able to own a gun because muh freedom but oppose the idea of owning "potentially...
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Chicanos BTFO
Japs are brown
I'm glad at hear of the news that anime converts sissy gaijin boi into trap
Stop hating on them
What would you do if you were 24, your dad is abusive, mother died...
Vietnamese women love korean men
This board has demoralized me to the point where I don't identify myself as white anymore
Which country has the least pleasant english accent?
Religion bad
What is life like in Spainito?
How do we save them?
How do you non-native English speakers have such an extensive vocabulary?
Zig Forums cooking
Are you allowed to drive on roads in your country, Zig Forums?
What if Latin America still had the caste system? Would we be better off? Worse? Same? Why?
I hate doomers
Human rights
1. Your country
Would you like to learn Dutch?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Could sub-saharan Africans grow beards? A lot of American Blacks could grow them but I think that's due to Euro blood
/lat/ - hilo latino
Damn... powerful
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
I am a Leaf Frog and I think French speaking MENA women are very cute. I like dating them...
ITT we wait for super satan. What cunt will he live in?
I unironically don't want Brexit to happen...
Why is japanese so hard to learn?
British man falls from balcony and lands on a spaniard, they both dies lmao
/nachtschicht/ - ehemals /deutsch/
One people. One nation. One country
/ita/ - il filo
I'm scared m8s
*ring ring*
Have you ever met someone from these countries ? From which country was the best person among them ?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How come Americans eat steak everyday when it is so expensive?
Israel.... HOME
No, you aren't a descendant of the ancient romans
Half of Zig Forums
/sino/ - China & Asian Tigers
25% unemployment rate in september
Are the women of your country irredeemable?
Why can't they stop having sex?
40% of Australians age 18-24yo are incels
Sverigetråden - Kvinnoupplagan
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Would u rather be a brit or be french?
The japoid fears the anglo-asian mutt
First dubs decide who I vote for tomorrow
/lat/ hilo latino
Apparently 6 ft (182 cm) is considered to be tall in America
How is your country represented in anime?
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
Welcome to another episode of remote drone trolling with Germanon
What happens in southern argentina? why does it look like a desert?
/fr/ - le francofil
Tfw no THICC arab gf
We must save the Amazon rainforest
Why are they so obsessed with race?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Did you know life in Russia is better than Brazil?
I'm portuguese
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Regniga lördagkvällsupplagan
There are 63,4 million japanese girls alive RIGHT NOW
The 11 most evil people in History
This is a girl of mixed Polish/German ancestry. Thoughts?
He cant name 2 brazilian products
I suffer in England
Oh no no no
Why are Europeans obsessed with this?
/ita/ il filo
Greater Iran
Which country have this kind of noses?
God i wish i were a westerner
I'm 15yo and was born in 2005, please permaban me, I can't browse this site anymore
Why are white women so beautiful?
This is the jordani anti Islam poster rofl just remember this when "he" act tough
Only countries with civil wars may post in here
ITT: We care for Russians
Zig Forums is such a simp board that this thread will get +100 replies thanks to this pic alone
I just love this woman so much. Greatest leader in history
At least we're not speaking german
Hilo /lat/ino
/lang/ - language learning general
Post a map of all the countries you've been inside of
Do you do any drugs?
Dutch people can't play limbo
Trips decide the language that i will learn
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Sverigetråden - OG Sverigedemokraterna var hårda grabbar-upplagan
Dubs decide which country I move to after graduation
What do you think about Brazil?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I am unironically proud of European colonization of the world
This is what they took from us
Why yes I am a marxist
Fucking hate these faggots. Acting like they don't speak English in their fucking airports. NO...
How do you call a treaty made between three anons?
/skandi/ - Uskyldsudgaven
Why do facists do this?
Are there Americans who support what America did in Vietnam?
This is not consent
Do people in your country think that racism is natural?
Yes, I'm polluting more than ever so the sea level rises enough to sink these hideous rats
How Gay is Zig Forums really?
Aren't they all arabs? why don't they just become one country?
25 years ago
You say to me that your English sucks
I (male) am exclusively attracted men
Reminder that if you're Latino and not from these countries your opinion is irrelevant
BLACK MAN superior to whitebois
Your cunt
Are the people of Hong Kong doomed?
Sverigetråden - Nyårsupplagan
/fr/ - Le fil français
All the attractive people in the world are dying out in the dark blue and purple areas. We only have Argentina...
Tfw you get paired with a black student for a team assignment
I hate the Americanization of EVROPA
Technically these two are just the same, right?
Whats the best/most based region of ur cunt?
So sad
Does this happen in your cunt?
I fucking hate modern architecture so much bros. WHY! WHY DON’T THEY BUILD TRADITIONALLY ANYMORE?!
/საქართველო/ thread
Do you want to visit Norway?
Who would play the bottom?
I can't write in cursive
Election day tomorrow
Every single one of your ancestors was able to have children. Why aren't you, Zig Forums?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
My gf keeps whining that I fuck her once a month only, I got sick of her shit already. Does it happen in your country?
/ITA/ il filo
Can i get laid in your country ? I'm algerian BVLL 1m78 72kg your opinion ?
Belgium... much better than medieval favelas with facade paint falling off in Southern Europe
Tfw a boy squeezes my cheeks and calls me cute almost every time he sees me but ends up expressing homophobic views...
Sverigetråden - Birger Jarls upplaga
How many Jews are actually religious ?
Am I a jomon?
Why are white men so suicidal?
Zig Forums 2.0, früher mal /deutsch/
How is it possible for a country to have achieved absolutely nothing worthwhile in 200 years/ever?
Why are americans can't capable of making a good assault rifles?
Does this happen in your cunt?
Germany, we will never forgive you
Would you a roachette?
You have to pick 3 roommates you will share an apartment in college for the next year, one girl and two guys
Do you support greater India?
Name one world-changing thing to come out of here
Are there any people who were diagnosed with covid?
/balk/ fuck roaches edition
Anybody else find it hot as fuck when women cry?
There's a country called austria
The Deutschland
Another Spanish girl on a bicycle in the Netherlands
Why are these countries always associated with Russia?
Why are japanese the only ones creating genuine good video games?
Tfw a 191cm 66kg twink
L prefer Ancient Greece to Rome
Well Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - Alla sv ho är unika drottningar
How normie are you in your cunt?
Why do people cosnider Germans to be worker ants?
ITT: All of Zig Forums is suddenly transported to an endless apartment building; the floors of the building goes on...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What do you think about England?
Why yes, I'm poor. I only eat rice and can of tuna. and you know what? I'm never ashamed
Polish elections
Breed niggers
How to trigger people in your country
By the right of the coquest Israel should turn this mosque into the tample
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Why don't Westerners eat pic related
Give us back our sisters and daughters
Your country
/ישר/ - /ܝܣܪ/ - /isr/ - /इज़रा/ מהדורת היום השביעי
What are some Zig Forums tier travel vloggers? Personally I like pic related
What countries men do you find most attractive (from a platonic perspective)?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2433
Who's the better villain?
Why is weed illegal even though it is healthy ?
Hanging around a bunch of white people
Kurva anyátok
/v4/ + friends
>you will never be a 11/10 Dutch Chad with a Stacey aircraft pilot gf
I heckin love summer!
This image offends Indians, right?
Hilo /lat/ANO
Does this happen in your cunt?
/ita/ - il filo
/med/ - olive oil general
1. cunt
No new posts
Courts just decided that half of Oklahoma is legally Native American land
Thoughts on this country?
You remember your brazilian bossa nova phase
What is Northeast Region, Brazil like?
This is what Australia is all about
Tfw you'll never be latvian
Why do the newer groups on the internet hate Japan so much...
/cum/ canada us mexico
How do i fucking cope with megalophobia?
Ameritards BTFO
Last paragraph
Post your town city flag
At this show prime where you hated for being a bronie
Americans are buying beans to own the libs
Japan apologize now
Tfw supreme court ruled American land was stolen
I hate pinkoid*s and one day you will pay for everything you did with browns, asians and blacks, pinkish race!!
西洋のAVと女優についてどう思う?西洋AV好きなんでしょう? お好きな女優は誰なの?
Ywu arwe not cwute
World largest bread manufacture
/lat/ hilo latino
Are you ready to apologize?
Friendly reminder that most people take a dump and don't even bother to ass their asses. EWWWWWWWWWWWW
Make thread on Zig Forums
/cum/ - canada us mexico
They killed her
Was there ever a F1 team from your cunt?
What's in berlin, new jersey?
What's Tinder like in your cunt?
Your cunt
Hilo /lat/ANO
Ultra conservative
Kurva anyátok
Why did this ruling make conservative literalist/constitutionalist in the USA seethe so much?
You need qt gf
What's your favorite phenotype Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
New record, bros
Americans pay 500$ per month in health insurance
How did the indians, chinks, and japs manage to resist the Abr*hamic menace?
Australia has no cul-
/sino/ - China & Asian Tigers
Why are non-whites so obsessed with ass?
If you say to me you are not cute
Thank you america for consistently making the best music
/fr/ - le francofil de la nuit
Why yes, I did SS. How did you know?
If I wore my cowboy boots while visiting your country would I stand out as a stinky yank? Or would anyone even notice?
What is your body type Zig Forums?
Ever heard of the war in Abkhazia in the nineties? It’s when a bunch of Caucasian people...
What are you doing with your life
Play with Germans online
/dixie/ – THE SOVTH & Gauls
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Dumb board stop being cringe
Post the last photo you took with your phone
Do mexicans really?
This is what Zig Forums used to be about
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1 billion people
Seriously, the bullying against Indian members of Zig Forums is getting way out of hand...
Seriously, the bullying against Dutch members of Zig Forums is getting way out of hand...
When you remember all the cringe shit you posted here over the years
Imagine the Jordanon acting all smug while posting anti muslim shit on Zig Forums but then someone tips off the police...
Damn, algerians look like THAT?
Can speakers of all three of these languages understand each other?
/luso/ fio lusófono
Canada's Eurasian future
/brit /
I love this beer so much
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
What makes Dutch such a viscerally disgusting language to hear? Especially when German sounds quite nice imo...
Guess his nationality, user
Why do Americans call Europeans "Europoors" when the richer countries of Europe have are significantly more civilized...
1. You are a country
Chinese engineering
Be uneducated Zig Forums poster
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This is what the average german girl looks like. yep, now you know
How do i stop browsing this board????????????????
Men btfo
Hilo latino /lat/
/brit/ + /bzh/
Why yes I am from the Netherlands, what gave it away?
Moжeтe ли вы пopeкoмeндoвaть pyccкyю мyзыкy?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine