Soviets tried to create a domesticated breed of foxes, selectively breeding the most docile and obedient ones...

Soviets tried to create a domesticated breed of foxes, selectively breeding the most docile and obedient ones. They never bred them according to their outlooks but by the time the the experiment was over, the foxes' outward appearances changed remarkably. Turing the procedure, their nose got smaller and face got flatter. Teeth got shorter and weaker. They weren't even able to break meat into piece with their crooked teeth. They had shorter limbs and overall cuter faces.
When the experiment was done, the outcome species were able to receive orders from humans and execute it. But unfortunately, their general intelligence levels was same, some of them even got dumber.
As human beings, when we look back at ourselves we see that Asians were past through the same procedure. They have higher scores on IQ tests, their working ethics are based on doing what they're told like robots but when it comes to scientific inventions, being creative and problem solving, they mostly fail. They tend to live under dictatorships who will tell them what to do next because they feel more comfortable that way. (except American puppet states like Korea and Japan because they already have someone to put them in their place) it's even easier to fuck Asian women because they will do whatever you say. Anal, bdsm shit, they're okay with it.
Asians are like those pugs with fucked up genetics which you can see suffering by just looking at its eyes.
They were literally made to conquer that's why fucking Asian women feels so great

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soviets never did that

>it's even easier to fuck Asian women because they will do whatever you say
t. Incel who has never actually been with an Asian woman

Take your medications

Where do you come from

dont care didnt read plus your gay

Damn. Can she see her other eye?

Not only Asians, it's where the world headed. Human civilization rewards the cowardice, the obedient and the cunning. The brave and the bold die in wars, in revolutions, or get mobbed to death. This doesn't just apply to genetic evolution, but cultural evolution as well. People are too lazy to think for themselves, now they invent machines to do it for them (see google's text prediction, markov chain bots, autocompletion on your phone..).

One is on the brink of extinction, the other isn't.

they did, it is documented and they don' t hide it

agriculture was a disaster to mankind

not really

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Based and tedpilled

source for the crooked teeth and meat thing?

yeah, everyone knows that white people are better than this

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>Asians are more docile and obedient
The worst wars and war crimes in history happened on Asian soil

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they are mongolians, i.e. steppe asians
it's like juxtaposing chechens with europeans

h*n chinese are subhumans yeah

>In 2020, a review found that the results of the "Farm fox experiment" had been overstated, and that the "wild" population it was based on had originated from a captive population from Canada that had been bred there since the 1800s.[6]

yeah but they're high-test

Sounds like you're describing neoteny

Mongol chads aren't East Asian

this explains why japanese have crooked teeth and can't eat normal food so they resort to consuming rice and fish

Vodka and potatoes
Finally some real food

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such cringe posting under a vpn, it sure is summer in here

>Human civilization rewards the cowardice

well yeah you fucking ignore the fact that we have the ability to turn earth into mars in a couple of hours
this is why subversion is needed in modern society if we were as savage as before we would be fucking extinct by now

In living in Japan

>m-muh Asians are docile
The worst and most brutal civil wars all happened on China. And they were more frequent than in any other state in history too.