Why aren't Brazilians more concerned about this?
We must save the Amazon rainforest
Levi James
Cameron Roberts
environmental protection is a 1st world concern
David Turner
They’re too busy dying of corona because Retardinho didn’t shut down the country
Charles Myers
Innocent trees?
Brandon Fisher
>hello brazil stop cutting trees imedeiatly or else...
Joshua Miller
remains lower than the rate of 2014 but in 2014 it was a left government and nobody cared
>forest in your country, development in mine
>let me talk about your country
Blake Gomez
Don't worry I'm sure getting Soylent to be 10% cheaper will be worth destroying the rainforest
David Martinez
That dumb florest can explode for all I care.
Gavin Price
how about you develope something else instead of soy you fucking soyboi
Jaxon Johnson
how about if you plant forests in your country and stop crying like a faggot?