Almost as much as Russia
Why do Serbians love China so much?
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They are beggers so they love anyone who give them some free shit
They are based
They sold them drones and weapons. Meanwhile the "west" refuses to do so because muh muslim """genocide.""" It's pretty simple Private Hernandez.
Almost 90% of Serbs have a favorable view of China
Insects usually support each other
>why are the nations that were destroyed and oppressed by amerikkkans rallying behind the country that's steadfast to overtake them
Gee you tell me
I played them in CnC: Generals as a kid and have been a fan ever since.
On a more serious note, our meetings with them don't end with low-key blackmail, unlike with our w*stern allies.
I love China more than pooland.
Heck I love Turkey more than pooland.
The real question is why do mutts and eurofags still hold a grudge over some dumb shit that happened like 30 years ago? Policy makers are still treating Serbia like it's some kind of rogue state. It's bizarre.