Would u rather be a brit or be french?

Would u rather be a brit or be french?

Attached: uk-and-france-flags.jpg (1024x768, 132.1K)

Brit, then emigrate to Australia

If lower end of society, French.
If upper end of society, Brit

no offense but I would rather fucking die

neither, and thank god i was born a spaniard

Attached: EYpqk29XQAIBLmq.jpg (882x1266, 96.19K)

Cuz if u aint dutch u aint much

its one of the two retards
U cant say no... U have to choose betwern french or brit

Why are so many Spaniards coming over here then?

why would u even rather die???

for work :)

why does she have blue eyes? is she a rapebaby of sorts?

I thought spainards were allergic to work

Blue eyes aren't rare here.
It's jarring, the only people I know with green eyes are congolombian migrants though

>Blue eyes aren't rare here.
lol if you say so

I already grew up in France and that didn't satisfy me, couldn't be worse in UK

It's northern spain, rapespawn. Feel free to come any time and see it for yourself.

The other way around for me

Que maricón eres


maybe if she were basque, i'd believe you but she's too swarthy to be

Attached: NMorocco.png (457x393, 80.55K)

hon hon

France has more cuties. I was shocked the first time I went there. I'd never seen so many beautiful women.

seguro que aquí el único maricón de verdad eres tú, chupapollas de los cojones

I think you are right

France is a caste country
You cannot move up

But if you born in a high class, you stay here

While the UK has more meritocracy

Lmao. Are you kidding me? Our class system is the most rigid in the world. Lower class Brits and upper class Brits, may as well be a different species from one another. The rest of Europe is a bastion of egalitarianism compared to us.

You are the ones with the uniform at school.
For example.

So who practice egalitarianism really?

>wanting to be a britshit


Kill myself at the airport.

a Brit

Based informed brit
I don't even know how the other Pierre would end up believing such an absurdity.
Don't get me wrong, I really like the UK and most people in it are quite good fellas, but when it comes to hierarchy and social order, you guys have the same mindset since medieval times.

Brit I wish I had an RP accent like the Queen I would shittalk about the lower classes all day

This but New Zealand