Will it ever stop being a shithole?

Will it ever stop being a shithole?

Attached: africa-map.gif (678x750, 127.98K)

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Russia? Not unless you depose your corrupt leaders, no.
Africa? Parts of it, I think places like somalia, congo and congo 2 are permafucked.

We should annex Madagascar again it's the only country which has a little hope


Yeah, Russia's still got hope.

No, they have IQs of 60-80.

Back to Africa, monkeys

Yeah as long as it stops getting fucked by everyone around. At least China is helping them now


absolutely not
96% of people living in absolute poverty in 2030 will be in Sub-saharan Africa.
It will remain awful forever.


Doubt they let vazaha do that tho.

Possibly in the very very distant future but for the time being it’s a too resource rich place ripe for corruption and exploitation


Many places in Africa have brighter futures than Russia

No, not until eurofags like start investing into our manufacturing industries so we can industrialise.

>No, they have IQs of 60-80.
They can still make plenty of music groups and sport teams to make a lot of money.

some of these countries are literally poorer than they were a few decades ago or even before decolonization
a few of them might get richer and then stuck in a middle income trap, the rest will be dirt poor forever

>investing in Africa

How naive

We will make a world union for them after we finalized the European union

>russia is as prosperus as botswana
>namibia is more prosperus than turkey
Eh they are doing fine

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-07-14 14-01-32.png (1920x1080, 185.24K)

>some of these countries are literally poorer than they were a few decades ago or even before decolonization
Which ones?

They will never progress or improve. It is time to leave them alone to their own devices and let them stagnate in mediocrity. They should not be the white man, the Asian man, or the Jewish man's responsibility. They should be left to themselves.

That is pretty unjust they are so poor.
They work and everything while I am a fucking NEET that never worked in my entire life but I am richer than them.

Unless something really big happens, no. They'll improve to a certain extent and first world media will try to sell it as a huge success because "Africa has great potential", but the corruption and eternal chaos will continue to make it a huge black hole for money. Some countries will do decently, but the region as a whole will stay the most backward place in the world.

Ethiopia has a bright future, I don't know about other parts of Africa but there are countries that are not too bad.

We need temporary neocolonial administration. Not even a cuck but even in my job I can feel the disastrous effects of myopic administration on a per minute basis

dr congo
probably more but for many there's no old enough data

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>eternal chaos
EH it's not that bad, the middle east and parts of south asia are worse.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-07-14 14-08-17.png (1920x1080, 344.1K)

>dr congo
Yes tru, but then again they did have the deadliest war since ww2

>At least China is exploiting them now

Also where did you get that from

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-07-14 14-11-17.png (1920x1080, 154.37K)

Britain please come back, or at least take us Anglos with you

I dont care i just want them to stay in their fucking countries.

Expect the chaos in Africa to grow worse, their population will the quadrupling until the end of the century after all.


Why don't white South Africans move? You could look into UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, even USA

it's adjusted for inflation
when you compare nominal data from 60 years ago it will literally always be higher

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>I dont care i just want them to stay in their fucking countries.
Your african though

Personally I live abroad, I'm just here during Covid. But for most money and visas are an issue

>got independence in 1964
It's still higher tho
>when you compare nominal data from 60 years ago it will literally always be higher

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-07-14 14-18-29.png (1920x1080, 167.59K)


No. They live off foreign aid
Foreign aid = welfare
It’s natural

france is the perfect example of the difference between european and african migrants

well yes i can say this about my country too. people need to stay and better their countries.

A lot of us are too poor/can't get citizenship

I remember one alternatehistory forum where one guy suggested a story where modern day Africa is transported to a new world on its own and the thread was closed because you're not allowed to write scenarios with mass death.

Poland is the perfect example of the difference between human being and poolish toilet cleaners

seething nafri