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International #1268
The fuck did u just say whiteboi?
You're coming back from getting groceries and you see this woman yelling about how she's stuck and needs help
I have decided to travel around the world
Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue
Who wants to play war thunder?
Please don't reelect Trump, it's not funny anymore. We need you to remain first world up here Ameribros
What video game world would you like to live in?
Please, consoom Brazilian products
How does it feel to be an applet?
Sverigetråden - Götham city är Göteborg så akta er för bäjn
What happened to them?
Do people in your country play funny pranks?
/balk/ - Integra edicija
I must fuck Arabic and Latina pussy
/fr/ - le francofil
I genuinely don't understand how people can be fat
Why are americans so absolutely obsessed with Steak?
Your cunt
I was 22 when I first started posting on this board. Now I'm 31. Is this a common occurrence in your country?
I will never buy a german product
/esp/ - Hilo Español
/desi/-Maulana Modi edition
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I would probably kill myself if I was from this country, having to represent it online
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Which cunt has the best girls?
Countries that nobody can hate
Do other GERMANS feel the same???
How do you seduce women Zig Forums?
Please buy Finnish products
How do you seduce women Zig Forums?
ITT: Zig Forums in 1855
/ita/ - il filo
There are 30 158 558 Italian women alive right now
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/lat/ hilo latino lat hilo el hilo lat latino /lat/
There are people in their 40s browsing Zig Forums right now
Comfy International Music Thread
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Where should I move?
Which race is the least empathetic?
Are veterans treated well in ur cunt?
I suffer in Holland
How old were you when you first learnt about the existence of Poland?
Afghan anons
India has a space program
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
What's it like being an Arab in Europe...
White men are cucks and soys
German engineering
Do americans and europeans consider this guy white? My friend lore claims they do
You wake up as black
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are the Baltics so poor? Please dont start the PPP we rich big monies meme, im serious. Is it the taxes...
I genuinely believe a single global government would be a good thing
He fell for the "spain is only desert" meme
We can only have world peace when
When was the last time you were genuinely happy?
If you are lactose intolerant then you are not white
Why do muslim women want western men?
His ancestors didn't fight in the trenches
How do Americans manage their caloric intake?
Have spaniards and latinos really contributed anything to the world?
Sverigetråden - Svenska kvinnor är unika drottningar som aldrig gör fel
Come to Spain!! its sunny
Imagine being the biggest contributor to a country by a fucking mile and yet being so bad at media/shilling that it...
What happens in Wiltshire? What is it like?
/ita/ - il filo
/flag/ + /extraflags/
How similar are Turks to Arabs? Would they feel at home in each other's countries?
/lat/ hilo latino
The absolute STATE of Bolivian "democracy"
/desi/- Mallu Singh edition
I think they secretly love each other. It’s a love/hate relationship
Is it possible to live a reasonably comfy life in Africa?
Do people drink milk in your country?
Kurva anyátok
The image that saved Zig Forums
Feels good to have best topography in the world
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are white people white...
Is pornographic content a widespread issue amongst your nations youth? What can we do to eliminate this poison...
I stopped believing in God when I learned who she was and read about what happened to her
Post distinctively slavic women
*doesnt develop a cuisine*
Do East Asian people look "yellow" to you?
Post your trees. Whether PVRE or MVTT
Do you like mdma? how much does it last for you since the time you take it?
Why Northern France looks so depressing? Is it the climate? Or because it was bombed to shit during the world wars?
MercadoLibre aka MercadoLivre aka Latin American Ebay
/balt/ + /ausnz/
A reminder that you will never be Finnish
At last... EVROPA
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Sverigetråden - Den Gotländska etnostatens upplaga
Do you want kids?
/ro/ Firul nostru
City boys
/heiliges römisches reich/ jetzt /deutsch/
/ita/ il filo
/indo/ - Indo-European General
Imagined Harem
Cringe or based?
ITT: Zig Forums speaks Dutch to one another
I have a question for every non white posters here
Why does Brazil turn Arab """""men"""" into raging faggots?
Does this happen in your country??
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Black Lives Matter movement may be recognized as extremist in Russia
Whats the point of this country?
God chose the Jews and forsook the non-Jews
How would neanderthal's be treated if they were alive today?
Imagine the rapes if Europa recolonized North *frica
Why do white people marry women who were fucked by other men?
Do any non-trannies unironically use Discord in your country?
This is what the Anglo-menace wants to take from us
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2437
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This is the face of Japanese nationalism
What do people in your country eat for breakfast?
Albert Heijn maakt u het leven goedkoper
/esp/ - España General
Are European countries prepared for the Black century?
Sex sex sex fuck
Wat nou Zig Forums
Kiwi bros
Why be racist, Islamophobic, anti-immigration or Afghanophobic when you could just be quiet?
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
Fully applicable, achievable and popular
Post brown women
Wake up
What went so very, very wrong?
Why does everyone in the world love Japan?
Why won't Europeans accept my German heritage?
I desperately need money to feed myself and my cat but mother refused to help me...
Sverigetråden - Bajsupplagan
Ask an actual involuntary celibate anything
Why are asian women so based
Comfy International Music Thread
I'm so proud of my country
R8 my English. native English speakers
Question for Germans
For the last 500 years the world was dominated by Latin Christian Western Europe
He can't read and understand 2000 years old texts in his "language"
I like driving in highways
How can a man be so based?
Eurobros, I think you guys need Islam at this point
Oh my days
/fr/ - le francofil
Just how I feel
Kurva anyátok
This land should be Greek again. Think about it logically
I am 169cm tall. What the fuck do i do?
/schwarzwald/ - gemütlich Ausgabe von - /deutsch/
Apple won a court case Wednesday against the European Union over a dispute concerning 13 billion euros ($15 billion) in...
Please help me Zig Forums
Why do French try to claim that they conquered england?
Why is it so controversial to say that whites are privileged and benefit from their skin color?
Do paki girls(male) really love black and white men?
Come home, german man
Have you ever used Linux in your country?
Sverigetråden - Lugia
I want a big, strong Russian bf so bad. Reserved, maybe slightly repressed...
/ישר/ - /изp/ - /isr/ - /อิสร/ - מהדורת הרוכבים
Are Italian girls really look like this?
Perfect country
/v4/ + friends
Based countries
Why are their posters so inconsistent?
Any new world cuck here feel inadequate when you look at the brilliant histories of the European nations...
We are as worth visiting as Spain or Italy, please come here
Whats this phenotype ?
So user, let's go straight to the point. How big is your dick?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
White people will die out soon
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why are L*TINOIDS so powerful?
All men are born equ-
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I wish I were born on 2000 or 2002
Baklava is Greek, so why do turks claim this Greek dessert?
We have a 2nd wave of Corona and are about to enter a second quarantine(and suspension of courts to let King BB avoid...
/tr/ - küçük kamal (erdem alsırt) edition
Do people want to end the quarantine and start the war against Armenia in your country?
DON'T GO TO Zig Forums!
Why do americans not give a fuck about actual football...
Makes Zig Forums seethe by telling the truth
Go to sleep, janny
/ita/ - il filo
Are Szechuanese master race of East Asia?
Whats a soda from your country
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Image presented without comment
When an American replies to you:
Now we have a Hawaii island Harreeeey!!!
Why is Bolivia named after Simon Bolivar even though it's nowhere near Gran Colombia?
Another BWC thread. Get to work, janny
Do you want to be a woman?
Are people wearing masks in your cunt?
How can I be less hated as an African American ?
Why isn't Vladivostok a major city/region for Russia?
BWC is the brown man's kryptonite
Kurva /brit/yatok
Does your country have nuclear energy? Why or why not?
It's not moldy or rotten, it's FERMENTED, it's BETTER now
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you need sex right now?
Korean man found Allah
My greatest ally
What % of MENA men look like this?
Post your town city flag
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Why do american girls act like being latina is a personality trait? why do they want to be something they hate so much?
Why are Americans so good at making music?
/fr/ - Le francofil
I have a raging hardon and I have not done anything, seen anything...
/Nachschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Vikings were actually the good guys
Does your country stops women from wearing hijab or is it an islamized shithole ?
Post an image that summarizes Zig Forums - International
Would you fuck a white blm antifa twink, or female trump supporters below? The choice is yours burgerbro
Be me in 2015
Uhm... Aussies?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Sinosphere Union!
White liberals harass a random Asian man because they think he's Andy Ngo
If you were forced to move to one of the major US cities, which would it be and why?
Whenever I feel angered by insults hurled at my direction...
What do you think about kim kardashian?
Is this the case in your country?
Why does this nation exist edition
Does Zig Forums hate women?
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Are you ready for the Oaxacan century?
What's it like being brown?
Do you like your country's leader in Civ 6?
Send help
Has Zig Forums taken the blackpill?
/asean/ tt
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Why are we african BVLLS so powerful bros??
Canadian Incel Gets Rejected by Filipino Then Spergs Out
~30% of the Earth’s population is Chinese or Indian, probably more
I have only seen one German film
These are Nepalese Aryans, the only remaining Aryans on the planet, understand? They have 0 admixture with Indians...
I just want to be comfy
Sverigetråden - Öva på att rita upplagan
Female deputy turns incel shitskin into Swiss cheese
Does your country have brother nation?
After watch some african/black geopolitics i conclude that
What sports are most popular in your cunt?
Damn is this true East Asians?
I despise Americans, how could you tell?
My breakfast this morning was two boiled eggs and a two cups of coffee with cream and no sugar...
The USA gives u unlimited money to fix Latin America
Enter thread
Thoughts on brazilian pardas
Brooo niggers and shitskins are so based
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Would you join the march on rome?
The fragility of the american white supremacist
You see, boomers want to fug lisa ann, but for us, the new generation, it is belle delphine
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
What's happening in America? Why is the government lying to it's people?
Why are they so poor?
Do you have qt gf? how that feels?
I love everyone here! You're language, skin, and country are all beautiful. Unless you are from Israel go fuck yourself
Iberian males
I’m convinced that Albanians are nafris. They look the same, they are both incredibly overrepresented in crime...
Waste 4 years studying a meme like history or political science
I miss the quarantine bros. I hope it happens again in autimn
How to habbibi gf????
He can't read 2500+ year old texts by just knowing his mother tongue
Actual white people ashes in my spliff
How the fuck do i have brown eyes? Its not fucking fair. meds and latinos can have green and blue eyes but me? No...
Why do young italian women love black men so much?
Which do you prefer?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - Uwu vad är det här
American here. Praise me. Praise me for being an American
We are the same shithole, as poor and underdeveloped. Don't trust 'luxurious italian commercials'...
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Saudi girl flee from her country to have mixed children with a black man
Does your country have presidential guards?
Debt fetish
Let's be honest
The first three countries to get dubs in this thread will become superpowers in the next 10 years
Why i was born algerian
Why is Italy's relationship with Libya feel different then France's relationship with Algeria?
Hilo latino
The white race is a disgrace
Is the USA part of hispanoamerica?
/v4/ + friends
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2436
Have you noticed the climate changing where you live?
Thomas Aquinas "Summa contra gentiles"
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Would you kill yourself for this woman? i would
/fr/ (sans tiret) le fil félin
From today’s march on Wyoming
Spain plans to nationalize 2.8 million illegal immigrants
White women are the best
How did they dominate the 1/4 of the world and ended like this?
How is this even allowed in the UK?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Gustav Adolf -upplagan
Brown eyes are feminine
Should i get a french or a brit diploma?
Guys I just read Marx for the first time at age 28 because it's not covered in US education...
What are relationships in russia like? Where do you gopniks take your gfs?
Do you like tall women? What is the maximum height you could date?
Just sink it already
Zig Forumsernational cocks
Whats the gayest thing you've done?
White women be like
Czech Atheism
Christianity is at 50% and Islam at 9% in France
How do Iberia and Latin America view each other?
I identify with Texas more than the United States
Do people in your country workout?
Do i get to be racist to arabs if i'm arab
/ita/ - il filo
Post the most known poster from your country
Is he being ironic?
Why do Latinos love to use the blue eyes filter on Instagram?
This is our president's daughter. How do the children of your leader look like?
/fr/ - Le fil français
Post pictures of your country that you took
I was recently offered a job in the US
Kurva anyátok
What do you call your grandmother?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Hilo latino /lat/
What's the difference?
Indians have to pay a banana road toll to the elephant mafia if they want to travel the countryside
Sverigetråden - Bärsärkupplagan
Imagine the Übermensch Aryantine twink having a benis sword fight with the Berber Warlord femboy over which one has to...
Do you read books? Is it common to be well read in your country?
France... by far most beautiful towns and cities in Europe
What does this picture evoke to you
The Government of North Macedonia hasn’t conducted a census since 2002
I'm fucking tired of Anime bros, now a lot of stuff are just recycled shit that gets less intersting with each entry...
Im not gonna drive for while
I am planning to migrate to canada
Can BRITS explain to me the mental gymastics
Le Spaniards are moors kek lmao lol
Great Mosque of Cordoba
Why don’t all Finns look like this?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Heritage thread
How to shave my asshole?
/Sverigetråden/ Grant Imahara - minnesutgåvan
I wish I was in Dixie
All young Greeks served in the military while you waste your time with games
Why do they LARP as Romans / Med?
Why don't you come to brazil?
Quick explain this quickly
Manila was the most battered and wrecked city in the Pacific, arguably the world, in WW2
Why are they so poor?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are europeans so scared of North Africans? We are normal people just like you...
Do you know anyone who has had corona? No!
This image confuses me
/dixie/ - suddern ou as an frend
I will never earn £80,000 a year driving trains underground
What is some interesting food around the world?
This is a mosquito trap that was left out for 6 days in Norway
His country doesn't have trams
Don't call us nip
Will it ever stop being a shithole?
Are you cute?
The good guys
Oh wow, I had no idea it was that bad in the US
Compare and contrast Itay and Spain
This is my gf. She is Italian. These are her arms after 1 month of trying to tan...
Thoughts on PMCs taking over?
Gangs of moroccans beating up a white guy
The finnish prime minister a cute... A CUTE !
Why didn't you Zig Forums protect her from her bullies?
Why do some people unironically believe that Jews rule the world?
Sverigetråden - Gustafssons högupplösta upplaga
/ita/ il filo
My boyfriend is white im not
Today is bastille day, I hate france
Part of Magnia Grecia
Why do brits have their own generals on so many boards? They have one on Zig Forums, Zig Forums, and even /lgbt/
Croatia is third wo-
Anglos think that seeing your mother naked is an alien concept
English is supposed to be a germanic language
After COVID ends, I want to visit Finland. Where should I go, what should I see?
This is how japs imagine italians
Holy shit
Do you LOVE California? I do!
Ah fuck ah sex ah coom thighs thicc ah fuck pussy brasileira novinha
/fr/ - Le fil français
Do tall women exist in your country?
I am Greek
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
/esp/ - España General
/ישר/ - /изp/ - /isr/ - /อิสร/ - מהדורת שלישי עם החברה
How do I get a Russian GF?
Why do Nazis hate snowflakes? Does it remind them of Stalingrad?
Oh no
Sverigetråden - Våldsamheter är en konst
Is it just a coincidence that Helsinki and Tallinn basically are on the same longitude? You can't make this shit up...
Behold the indian joker
Go to Zig Forums
Are you willing to die for your country?
Do Canadians really?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine