France... by far most beautiful towns and cities in Europe
No one can compete...
France... by far most beautiful towns and cities in Europe
I'd say italy and spain have us beat on that front.
um, think again sweetie
No color
Looks like my dead hometown except cyberpunk edition with that building crossing the street
peak french right here
no, definitely not with their mass housing solution buildings. that title goes to Austria.
literally some rocks stacked on a bigger rock
wow *yawns*
maybe italy but not spain
its in france so its french
just watched a video about this
apparently it was an ispiration for howl's castle
It's the last nice thing we have. Everytihng else is garbage.
>His country doesn't have strip malls
no one mentions italy but the italians is still coping
All built by BLACK Kings.
Built by wh*Te pigs.
>posts an image of a one of a kind landmark as an example
I like France as well but c'mon bri
As much as I dislike alsacians and Strasbourg's wannabe parisians, it's a very nice city.
strip malls are fucking bland
Dank for ðe new background pic
only problem is they're full of french people
>Windows 10
>LockDown Browser
>Microsoft Word
>Google Chrome
>maybe italy but not spain
its just my opinion
> I use arch btw, also have never seen a vagina irl
at least use deluge or something, come on
How is it better?