There are 30 158 558 Italian women alive right now

There are 30 158 558 Italian women alive right now

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haha you wish she was your gf

most are old women, as the rest of Europe

she wish she was my girlfriend
italy is poor, holland is rich
she wants to golddig me

And none of them would be my gf

Sheeeeeeeit amma rape some itslin women n sheeeit

what about the Spanish women?

you can have them all
give me a black qween

I'd take a 5/10

i've been corrected several time on twitter by americans about this, they say that "were" is not used anymore

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What about them?

Don't listen to Americans, they speak shitty English... Listen to us because it is our language.

Well, they're wrong. "Were" is subjunctive, "was" is past tense or you can use it in a hypothetical way in past tense, "I wish I was a better person when I was younger".

I wish she'd have kids. She's not getting any younger.

most of them are old

*I wish I had been a better person

I just want a religious Christian woman to catholicise me and raise our children as Catholic so that Islam forever goes extinct from my family tree

How many of those are between 18 and 25

Actually the number is closer to 26 million
And over half of them are 55+ years old...
Why don't Italian women have children bros?
Are they looking for a strong Aztec-American man like myself to stimulate their ovaries?

I want Miriam to let me touch her feet.

Attached: Miriam-Leone-Feet-2166650.jpg (2670x4000, 2.98M)

Why are there so many foot fags on int?

30 158 557

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they don't have kids cause their economy is in the gutter
if you struggle to support yourself, then the last thing you would think of is making a few more mouths to feed

Figure maybe under 35% of those are under the age of 40.

I'm so lonely and I like female feet.

Attached: Miriam-Leone-Feet-4859637.jpg (1365x2048, 1.42M)

All of Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia's economies are perpetually "in the gutter" and yet I still see them fucking.
Perhaps the truth is that Italian women are all infertile? Or lesbians? Or maybe Italian men are all infertile?

based footchad

>30 158 558
thats 30 158 558 too many ill reduce it to 0

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And every last one is made for BBC

You won't do anything pigfat

god it must be heaven all that milf pussy walking around

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