I must fuck Arabic and Latina pussy.
I must fuck Arabic and Latina pussy
you're indian/paki/korean/chinese
we'd have a deal if you weren't wh*te
160 pounds, no fat build up on wrists, mutt cope
No, he's just skinnyfat.
Post eye
still fat
Wait... are you saying if he was any of the above, you would bang?
your a cloudy white like myself
Fat mutt seethe
Cold, dead anglo eyes
Algerians are white
the ones that are are in the minority
I grant you permission to fuck Latina pussy
ok fat
I've fucked Latina pussy and it's the tightest I've ever had
t. japanese brazilian
>negative canthal tilt
>dead eyes
oh no no no
Post body and show me what peak aryan aesthetics look like
You Latinos are the biggest cucks in history (besides Asians even though you fucks are mongoloid just like them)
Gentleman, stop this Latino on Latino violence
What's your ethnicity?
He doesn't know, he's American.
Seethe more incel.
latinos arent a race, they are mutts with no in group loyalty and you should stop caring about them. let them be cucks all they want
literally me except instead of pussy I must fuck Arabic and Latina (male) bussy
At least you do Chinky Chan
seek help
help with what?
stop liking latinas (male)
r u white?
did your dick bend ?
lmao how do you even propose I stop?
I'm a western euro mutt, so yes
I've only fucked one latina in Panama. Latinas are without a doubt the hottest women around
>lmao how do you even propose I stop?
take girl pills and get a black bf instead.
>I'm a western euro mutt, so yes
get black bf then.
>take girl pills
Why the fuck would I do that? All I want in life is to fuck the shit out of brown fembois
latinx fembois don't like ypipo
t. latinx frmboi