/indo/ - Indo-European General

VGH THΣ GΣNΣRΛL VVE NΣΣDΣD. All Indo-Europeans according to the map below are welcome.

Attached: indo recortado.jpg (1358x937, 430.15K)




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why is the general shortened to /indo/ ? the indo branch of indo-europeans is dead

Since when did pajeets die

what's a better name?

daily reminder that the indo european categorization is almost non sensical since that most of the word of the "IE" languages come from the local languages before the ie invasion

i'm so glad that i can digest milk

/eu/ as in European, can double as EU general as well
modern pajeets and iranians and all the mutts in between are not IE

>modern pajeets and iranians and all the mutts in between are not IE
Let´s delete this thread then, as all people in Europe have preindoeuropean admixture

i don't care about purity, but I will never accept those brown monkeys as anything related to europe or europeans

cringe as fuck, we have literally nothing in common with you

Ok, I'm taking suggestions for what the shortening of the general should be in the future. Respond with your ideas please, so I can put them in a straw poll.

Eh, do we count? We are like 50% med on average and we speak Spanish

Sup my Indo-Euro bros

/ie/ or /ieg/

*dn̥ĝʰwéH2 , means tongue, because IE associates to me first by a common root of our languages, also its as larp as it gets

>vgi tns gsmsrll vve nssdsd
what did op mean by this

>Orkney and Shetland
I really shouldn't have to say.
and gaelic isn't spoken on the mainland.

Sorry Omar, you are 50% moor and spanish is basically arabic.

Are Brahmins like Arch Linux users?

How do you know someone is an Arch user?
You don't ask them, they will tell you

INDO-EVROPEAN triple alliance for world domination when ?

Attached: Alliance_euro-irano-indienne_théorisée_par_Thomas_Ferrier.jpg (2048x988, 377.16K)

>tfw sysadmin at a uni
>based retard installs arch linux
>doesn't know how to operate shit
>comes to the labs so that i can help him
>asks me how to do something
>i just google it
>do it in under 10 mins
>tell him to just google it next time, it's no biggie
>"oh i don't speak english, couldn't find it"

Attached: 1400571380558.jpg (521x375, 13.93K)

My aryan brothers :)

Thank goodness we killed all the ones that came east.

Kek, no I don't namefag or tripfag but I posted my facial hair here since there's many Indian flag there I adopted the trip. I used "brahmin" because I've previously shared a pic of my janeu (brahmin sacred thread) so it was most relevant. Also previously everytime I shared pic people always asked if I was brahmin so.

Indo-Europeans were slaves for their entire history.

yeah. mental that 1/3 of china or something used to be Indo-European.

Ok, thanks. I was asking because I've heard of "Castism" among Indians. I've also heard that it's difficult to get an upper management job if you are not from the proper caste.

>no South Ossetia
whatever, keep your faggy club to yourselves I guess

Weren't they the ones in chariots that went around fucking and conquering everything around, then instigating their language? Like Spaniards did?

Are you Ossetian?

more like upsetia
dont worry, whole wide world belongs to the IE

I believe in Nostratic language theory
it makes racially more sense
obviously indoeuropean is still a subsection of it

Bro, cut me some slack I just searched for a map and this one showed up. We need some way of deciding which regions and countries should and shouldn't be considered indo-european.

That ancient progenitor language of ours manages to sound like shit no matter who tries to speak it, it sounds like hiccup noises by a person that has his throat eternally closed up.
Those reconstructions can't be how it sounded.

You mean Xinjing (Turkestan). Not only Xinjing but Central Asia itself was basically an extension of Northern Europe but with a native culture and civilization instead of being ifluenced by Semites.

Then the Arabs and Turkics came and utterly mopped the floor with them.

say whaaa


Why are Europeans so fascinated with indo-europeans? You don't see it anywhere else.

we can trace muh ancient ancestors that far back, other nations of the world are hopelessly mongrelized and have no real roots

because all my enemies, those being the jews, chinks, arabs, turks and negroes, aren't part of it.

The immigration path of the Amerindians through Siberia is also taught here. We know where we came from as well.

The Arabs under Qutayba ibn Muslim comitted genocide. They invaded Bukhara four times and forced the Sogdians there to convert to Islam each time after they tried to deconvert.

user I really hope you didn’t say that due to similarities between modern ME turks and arabs.

honestly they should have finished the slit eyes instead, then we wouldnt have tk be dealing with them :/