What do people in your country eat for breakfast?
What do people in your country eat for breakfast?
Probably coffee and some pastry, if I were to guess
A bean pastry?
Why are conservashits like this...
american politic(ian)s sure are entertaining
There's literally nothing wrong with appreciating some beautiful beans.
>CEO prasies a democratically elected president >YEAH BOYCOTT THEM
How did it come to this?
>Labour leader praises a democratically elected president
Gf's pussy
Imagine the smell in America right now lads
>two cans for breakfast
>one can for lunch
This man's diet baffles me
He eats steaks too for a well-rounded PROTEIN diet.
This guy's running as an independent. You always get nutjobs doing that.
He could have combined the steak and the beans to make a delicious pot of chili, but instead he insults other people who do it first.
Hitler was elected too you retard
>white chilli
That looks fucking revolting
it's good, like she says in the post it's flavored with lime juice instead of tomatoes
It literally looks like puke
Go eat some mushy peas.
>Americans would call us beaners while doing this shit
>American politics has been reduced to who can farm more likes on twitter
(And that's a good thing)
what the fuck is up with goya beans
Holy fucking based, enough of his energy is emanating from this mere screenshot to make low test Zig Forumscels seethe.
they based
(Open-face) sandwiches.
Sour milk and müsli.
Coffe, tea, milk or OJ.
You got something against the free market?
>t. gommie