Why do French try to claim that they conquered england?

Reminder to everyone that the Normans were not French. If the Normans were French, then why did Etienne of Rouen in 1160s, in his work Draco Normannicus, call William the Conqueror's followers on the conquest "Danes"....please explain to me why French sources, written in Latin.....are calling the Normans Vikings?

Aelnoth of Kent was an English noble that lived in Denmark after the invasion, he called the Normans "Francigeni" because in Old English, Normen means "Vikings" and after a while, he stopped using "Francigeni" to describe the Normans and instead called William "Duke of the south Normans", as in southern Vikings. Dudo of Saint-Quentin was hired by Richard I and Richard II of Normandy and Count Rodolf to write strongly patriotic Norman hagiographies and celebrate their Scandinavian ancestry.

Normandy today, is not the same Normandy 1000 years ago.

Please so ahead and read the works of William of Jumieges, William of Poitiers and Dudo of Saint-Quentin. The Normans not only hated the French but they hated the Bretons and Irish too. There's massive work you can find on this subject. The only reason why the Normans picked up French culture is because they didn't want to get kicked out of France like past bands of Vikings. Normandy always came under attack from Ile-De-France and the Normannorvm every single time blamed the French for being jealous of Normannitas Regnum and hating their Pagan past.

The true history of the 100 years war is that thanks to the 100 years of Chevauchées, the English under their English king ran riot across France unchallenged to rape, murder and steal as much loot as they could ram on the ships "les goddams". Then when they did get challenged at Sluys, Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt, the French got totally slaughtered and its been engrained in folk legend ever since. If you go to England you can find stately homes, churches and family chapels that were practically funded entirely from French loot. LOLOL.

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All four of the biggest battles of the 100 years war were English victories, not French. Yeah France got some good fights in the end but Crecy, Sluys, Agincourt, Vernuil and Poities are all the biggest victories. France also needed to be saved by 14,000 Scottish warriors at the battle of Bauge that the Dauphin Charles admitted saved France, and he paid them generously with tons of gold.

Edward III was not named by his mother and to say the ENGLISH nobility was francophone is absolutely hilarious. In fact, Isabella of France and her family wanted to call the baby Louis after French kings but the whole english protested in disgust and demanded he be called the traditional English name for kings of England: Edward. He also wasn't called "Edouard"...look on the English coins for his reign, it was spelt "Edward".

Edward III (Edward of Windsor) was a proud Englishman. Although because he wanted to rule over England and France, he tried to hit a balance between satisfying the English lust for war and reconciling the French with the English cause. A very tricky and stressful game to play...especially when you've got English parliament that want to bleed France dry of all its riches.

But by the time you get to my hero Henry V, the king of England simply stops caring and goes in sword swinging not giving a fuck. and Henry V went full blown conquest mode and nearly did it.

After Waterloo, British soldiers occupied Paris and taught the French how to play golf, race horses, hunt foxes, grill steaks and bake afternoon cakes to eat with tea. The Austrians joined in on the party and taught them how to cook baguettes and croissants. King Louis~Phillip, Napoleon III and Napoleon IV all loved to live in England and spoke English. British romanticism also culturally triumphed over French classicalism. I’m sure you know Voltaire? He preferred England to France and his Letters escrites de Londres was a best seller in France and English fashion become hugely popular in France.

Rent free autism

Lmao England is better than france. The truth is Anglo-Saxons make the whole world seethe all over because Anglos have never been conquered.

Anglos vs French

france has never won a war against the superior england.


Anglos vs Russians


Anglos Vs Japs


Anglos vs Krauts


anglos vs chinks


anglos vs pajeets


anglos vs muslims


Attached: anglo pride worldwide.png (1280x605, 264.6K)

Reminder there no such thing as Anglos, Normans, Gauls, or Franks.

normans still exist.

pic related wanted Flanders to become part of England, but the English couldn't guarantee our defences against the king of France.

Attached: Louis_II_of_Flanders-Lodewijk_van_Male_(1330-1384).jpg (276x323, 53.8K)

what the fuck is that outfit
was he a wizard?

its called how to keep cool.
you wouldn't know since English people are disabled and wear less to keep cool when that makes you hotter.



Didn't you get btfo in the other thread? Still waiting for your response...

he calles English people "anglois". that is enough to show he is stupid.


also who cares really

cope mutt

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"Instead it was a bloodbath. The barbed wire in no-man's land wasn't fully cut and the Germans had been well sheltered from the barrage. The British were slow marching into machine-gun fire. Nearly 20,000 British officers and enlisted men would die on the first day of the Somme. Almost 40,000 more were wounded. "

We got too cocky Frenchbros...

not gonna lie new world posters kinda disturb me
like, when two European posters argue about their countries' shared history, it's a subject that they can both relate to, and history is just that, history, so there's a tacit agreement that it's just banter
and then new world posters join the argument in all their obese glory, and since, unlike the European posters, they are unable to relate with the subject at hand, they're completely unaware of the underlying irony of it all and end up making complete fools of themselves by either taking the argument too seriously or writing fuckhuge posts like OP that NO ONE is ever going to read
OP, you're American, you're not English and you'll never be English, get a better hobby

>not gonna lie new world posters kinda disturb me
like, when two European posters argue about their countries' shared history, it's a subject that they can both relate to, and history is just that, history, so there's a tacit agreement that it's just banter
and then new world posters join the argument in all their obese glory, and since, unlike the European posters, they are unable to relate with the subject at hand, they're completely unaware of the underlying irony of it all and end up making complete fools of themselves by either taking the argument too seriously or writing fuckhuge posts like OP that NO ONE is ever going to read
OP, you're American, you're not English and you'll never be English, get a better hobby

Attached: black hands.jpg (300x168, 8.16K)

>>not gonna lie new world posters kinda disturb me
>like, when two European posters argue about their countries' shared history, it's a subject that they can both relate to, and history is just that, history, so there's a tacit agreement that it's just banter
>and then new world posters join the argument in all their obese glory, and since, unlike the European posters, they are unable to relate with the subject at hand, they're completely unaware of the underlying irony of it all and end up making complete fools of themselves by either taking the argument too seriously or writing fuckhuge posts like OP that NO ONE is ever going to read
>OP, you're American, you're not English and you'll never be English, get a better hobby

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>>>not gonna lie new world posters kinda disturb me
>>like, when two European posters argue about their countries' shared history, it's a subject that they can both relate to, and history is just that, history, so there's a tacit agreement that it's just banter
>>and then new world posters join the argument in all their obese glory, and since, unlike the European posters, they are unable to relate with the subject at hand, they're completely unaware of the underlying irony of it all and end up making complete fools of themselves by either taking the argument too seriously or writing fuckhuge posts like OP that NO ONE is ever going to read
>>OP, you're American, you're not English and you'll never be English, get a better hobby

Attached: 1589545429766.jpg (800x600, 222.48K)

based canuck

>>>>not gonna lie new world posters kinda disturb me
>>>like, when two European posters argue about their countries' shared history, it's a subject that they can both relate to, and history is just that, history, so there's a tacit agreement that it's just banter
>>>and then new world posters join the argument in all their obese glory, and since, unlike the European posters, they are unable to relate with the subject at hand, they're completely unaware of the underlying irony of it all and end up making complete fools of themselves by either taking the argument too seriously or writing fuckhuge posts like OP that NO ONE is ever going to read
>>>OP, you're American, you're not English and you'll never be English, get a better hobby

Attached: young-asian-man-headset-pc-600w-1459423532.jpg (600x420, 166.7K)

Go eat blood pudding.

Nip autismo man confirmed to be Pvt. Gómez stationed in Okinawa

you were there too you fucking idiot

Nancy Drew: Danger By Design

He never engage with people proving him wrong and just opy and paste his entire posts again and again