My breakfast this morning was two boiled eggs and a two cups of coffee with cream and no sugar...

My breakfast this morning was two boiled eggs and a two cups of coffee with cream and no sugar. What was your guy's breakfast?

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two fried eggs over medium, 4 strips of bacon, a slice of ham, 2 slices of buttered wheat toast, 2 pancakes, and coffee with sugar and cream

I bet you blame it all on the genetics, fatso

Mcfucking kys

a nougat croissant and a cup of coffee, black with sweetener

Do you have anything to contribute to the thread or would you like to shut the fuck up?

Today i woke up at 1pm so my yesterday breakfast was one cup of coffee and two slices of bread with honey

Your mom

>Monster energy and 2 cigarettes

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Sounds good but It's little to heavy for me to start off a morning with.
>nougat croissant
Sounds delicious, I love nougat.

I just did fat-ass.

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Bowl of oats and a sausage sandwich.

>two slices of bread with honey
I've never done this, I might try it.

>I just did
I must have missed it over your menstrual tantrum. Could have sworn you were just being a bitch.

Must be all that cholesterol blinding your eyes, you chinless fat fuck


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A bacon, egg, and ham breakfast sandwich

>S'il vous plaît, aidez mon vagin jaillit de sang
t. you

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>Americans trying to speak another language than their own

Maybe a

This doesn't sound like a good breakfast.
That's a lot of food, I don't think a single person could eat all of that for Breakfast.

I know nothing pisses you off more than someone else bastardizing your language. I would fly all the way to Paris to mispronounce every word in your language just to spite you.
Rentrez votre pénis entre vos jambes et préparez-vous pour le taureau de votre femme.

Chocolate Milk plus 2 slice of beard with butter and honey.

Kebab roll with extra meat. And a Fanta.

What's the most Alpha american name after Chad? I feel like it's Kyle

My breakfast this morning was Yugoslavic pussy

I only woke up around 20 minutes ago (now 5:21pm) cause I forgot about waking up

I didnt eat breakfast, had to go see a girl at 17:00

Maybe Brad or Hunter

Milk shake with 2 small bananas and protein.
Coffee after that

my man had pussy for breakfast thats what im talking about

yeah, good one's, thx


Look again. There was a vegetable.

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a donut, a glass of wine, and a cup of coffee

Oats porridge, omelet and black coffee.

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Leslie, of course

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Honestly can't remember fully. I was hungover beyond reason. But I think I had some leftover pizza and some chips. And like a gallon of coffee.

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I don't drink soda in the morning, I can't stand it. it feels disgusting to me.
Sounds delicious
You should fix your sleep schedule user
If you say so man
You drink alcohol in the morning?

two eggs over-easy, peanut butter on toast, dried dates, and a glass of water

>Dried dates
I can't stomach dates, they are too sweet for me.

earl grey with milk

Your mouth must've been like a desert after eating that many dry things, jesus