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Damn is this true East Asians?
William Lopez
Robert Hernandez
Nigga the movie is about Singaporeans who are 80% chink and 99% of rich Singaporeans are chink. What did she expect? It’s not like it was set in Manila or Kuala Lumpur.
Landon Hall
they used a malay hapa for the male lead
David Sullivan
We East Asians are obviously better than jungle asians (or indians) so we don't really associate with you.
Finns, Japanese, Korean, Chinese. We are Asian.
Jungle asians and indians are to us kind of like what arabs and hispanics are to whites.
Matthew Jenkins
>99% of rich Singaporeans are chink
The richest racial group in Singapore is unironically Indian.
Logan Ortiz
Jason Perez
>crazy rich asians
>something to be proud of
Ryder White
My Indo-European ancestors plowed through your subhuman Dasyan territories. Half your language and mythology comes from PIE. Your “East Asian”-styled mythos of spirits got converted to Storm Gods. The word for your storm god — Perkele, comes from Perkwünos — the PIE word for Thunder God.
Know your place subhuman.
Henry Parker
and even if true, the movie is not about “rich” people but “crazy rich” people aka the 100+ millionaires and shit, all of whom are chink
Luis Anderson
the movie was about chinese singaporeans. not poor low IQ malays
Brody Baker
Minorities literally cling to movies for pride (see: black panther)
Camden Phillips
Nathaniel Taylor
i would like to have a word with you
Cameron Williams
sea monkeys will always have a sense of inferiority to us east asians
Isaac Baker
Levi Jackson
I haven't watched it, should i? It's John Cho even in it?
Christian Morales
Rich Singaporeans are poorfags compared to rich gooks, Hongkongers, Taiwanese and Nips.
Even pureblood rich pajeets are richer than rich Singaporeans.
Ian Jones
What was the movie even about?
Hudson Lopez
Thing is there was even a Filipina actress, she just happens to look East Asian as most of the Filipino upper class.
She expected a negrita or something lel
Cooper Watson
Pick one you snow apes. Hungarians are the true Asians of the Finn-Ugric family (and the ones living in Russia)
We're called HUN for a reason. Stupid white Pekka
Benjamin Rodriguez
>that profile pic
She says that, but she looks like she's Chinese SEA diaspora so I don't see her problem
Jose Watson
Jason Scott
It's okay. It's about Westernized Asians being rich
Jordan Sanchez
Wut? She clearly looks like the average Tagalog that got her skin bleached
Anthony Flores
hungarians are actual larpers, you guys don't even have the haplogroup N from E. Asia that Finns have. Finns have 10% Eastern Eurasain ancestry while Hungarians have 2%.
tbf the Huns later pretty much became European-like in appearance. The Whites Huns who invaded and destroyed the Gupta Empire in 533 AD were described by the Indians as having white skin, and the Greek/Roman scholars said that even though they call themselves "Huns", they do not look like Huns. If you see their portraits, they actually look like a Hungarian.
Owen Perez
>My Indo-European ancestors plowed through your subhuman Dasyan territories.
Yet here we stand. You can say that kind of stuff to all the indo-european europeans but not to Finns. We are the ones who survived your invasions.
>Half your language and mythology comes from PIE.
>Your “East Asian”-styled mythos of spirits got converted to Storm Gods. The word for your storm god — Perkele, comes from Perkwünos — the PIE word for Thunder God.
The name of our storm god is Ukko.
Modern Hungarians are a great source of pain for me... The largest Finno-Ugric language speaking group, yet ethnically slavs. It is so sad. I suppose that is what would happen when you get trapped in the middle of indonigger subhumans. We Finns were fortunate to be located North in our own piece of land where others mostly stayed out of. That is why we maintain our Asian DNA, why we maintain our haplogroup, and why we maintain our superiority as a nation over indocucks.
Sebastian Rodriguez
Crazy Rich Asians is a film all asians should hate
Benjamin Walker
she didn't even make it into the film and was just an extra
no one cares about extras
Juan Diaz
isn't the main actress married to a white dude lol
Robert Smith
this is a portrait of Mihirakula, the commander of the Huns who invaded India.
Daniel Adams
We're a bit mixed, so what? Our language and culture clearly preserved most of our heritage, even if our DNA did less so. Even better than Finns and Estonians!
Slavs aren't an ethnic group!!!!!! It's a linguistic one!
>we maintain our Asian DNA
Do you even have epicanthic folds? In Hungary some people have them.
Carson Powell
Andrew Rogers
You are Slavs.
Brother, this must be fixed. Sterilize all Hungarian men and let us send you our potent semen to impregnate your women. You need it.
>Do you even have epicanthic folds?
Yes, we do.