/v4/ + friends

PF edition

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I finished Notes from the Underground.
Honestly this book and White Nights makes me think of Hullebecq as a 21st century Dostoievsky, at least I can see a relation in the novels I've read of them both.
I will read The Brothers Karamazov next.

I'm also thinking about Crime and Punishment, one of these two because they are both considered the most important by Dostoevsky but I don't have any preference, I want /v4/ to decide for me if possible.

BK is the most religion-centric of all Dostoyevski's works, but it's also the most refined. And it can be boring at times, not gonna lie.

On the other hand, (don't wanna spoil it for you too much, but...) it's definitely his most complete book. Everything else he wrote builds up to it in some sense. For example, the character of Alyosha in the BK is a more developed version of the titular Idiot, Prince Myshkin; Ivan is a little different from Raskolnikov from C&P, but is nonetheless more refined even there. They're more fleshed out and realistic.
Aside from that, it tends to have many of the same themes as his other works, except this time they're more unified within a single book. The religious arguments presented in The Idiot and C&P are all present in the BK; the political ideas of Demons is evident in it; the troubling ideas a character possesses that drives them to depression (or worse) found in his other works are present, and so on. Beyond that, it has the most ambitious cast of characters yet, and the inevitable continuation of all that Dostoevsky was building up to, and his Life of a Great Sinner would probably have been the natural conclusion to everything he had to say.

Anyways, I don't want to decide for you, but for me it'd make the most sense to read it after you've read everything else by Dostoyevsky. Or, if you don't intend to read everything else, read it now.

If you liked notes from underground, you need to read albert camus. The Stranger Is a good choice.

But If you want to continue with Dostoyevsky then crime and punishment is a good choice.

The brothers of karamazov is very long and you’ll lose interest. And don’t read the shortened versions.

I will read Crime & Punishment following your recommendations.

I already read The Stranger, I liked it but I find it overrated by many, maybe I can't empathise with the character because I recognize that we live in a meaningless world but take a different attitude to it.

Some Russian girl yesterday didn't know were Moldova is.
It's incredible how people can know so little about the world they live in.
And another Russian told me she had a friend with a house near to Putin's and that Putin's house is very big and there's a big place at the entrance for disinfectantion.
Also that many people close to Putin got infected and many Russians hoped that he would too and finally die but Putin is somehow avoiding coronavirus.
And that woman mistook Saudi Arabia for Syria, baka.

Did you make them do a geography exam or something?

are geography and politics your main topics of conversation with women?

no wonder you're a virgin

One girl is traveling to Russia through Moldova because she has no other possible flight and her visa is ending and the migration officers basically told her to get whatever she can find to Russia.
The other said that Russia is the worst place in the world and I told her she probably prefer to have been born in Russia than in Saudi Arabia, using this example to show that even a richer country can be worse, she agreed with me, but she said that they are always sending them military aid and I told her they don't and it was Sirya and then she acknowledged that she was wrong.

I don't remember how it happened but I ended talking about politics again it's my bad I know.

I had similar situations with STEMonkeys from my uni. Seems like they have a really hard time remembering Middle Eastern countries.

She also said that the Soviet Union was against women and disliked it as a feminist, but I explained her that women had more opportunities there than in the West, and that the first woman minister was Soviet, and the first non-heredetary head of state Tuvan.

No one gives a shit about sandnigger shitholes.

People get really surprised when I tell them I study IT because all the things I can talk about in politics and history.

You certainly don't, Poolack monkey. But everyone with the bare modicum of education does.
STEMoids are the worst. If only they'd stop being smug and realize that they have no education...

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I will not lower myself to inane subjects just because of a vagina in my vicinity; I shall show it the light and raise it to my level instead.
Normie notions of what is nerdy or dorky are shallow and stupid and they abandon them easily if properly engaged.

Wow, actually based post.

I often wonder what is real and what isn't. Are my internet friends real? I am more close to them than to my parents, but they are just a username and a profile picture on the internet. I grew up here. In front of a computer. I saw countless gore videos and Isis stuff. Are those real? What is the difference between seeing a video of a decapitation or seeing it with your two eyes. I felt sorry and grief when I read feel threads on Zig Forums. I felt joy and comradeship when we raided some faggot. I laughed at ylyl threads. I felt pride when I first edited the green frog and posted it. It's just these don't feel as actual experiences. I saw a world on the internet. I was sexting with girls from remote places, places my peers have never heard about. I argued with Poles, Russians, Finns, Mexicans and Canadians over the necessity of roundabouts and air conditioners. Someone who did this in irl would be called an experienced and well travelled. But I feel clueless. There are so many things I have never done and I will never do.

nobody is interested in your shallow, uninteresting political opinions really

Stop cringeposting.

How do I know if girl from roksa isnt hiv positive?

you don't, it's russian roulette

keep in mind that the chance of getting infected after one time unprotected sex is very low, and after protected sex is close to 0
just don't do anal and don't tear your skin

or you can just go to Germany or Netherlands since it's regulated there and whores are tested regularly

Słoni you are the most successful man in regards to women here, one of the problems I think I have with women is that I don't know how to start conversations and get them to talk about themselves so then I have something to talk about.
How do you do it Słoni?

just bee yourself :)

There he is, there he goes again with his not so low key bragging.
Shut the fuck up already. You're fat, ugly and pretentious.

All you post are void projections. I have a gf and I have no trouble switching between sex and talking in detail about obscure political ideologies or heat death of the universe or whatever else I find interesting at the moment. It doesn't matter.

>shallow, uninteresting political opinions
My train-centric post-automobilic utopia of agrarian tradtech green nationalism is not shallow you stupid poolack.

This but also don't when it's not convenient. Bee urself discreetly.

aaand he shat himself

How is the coof situation for other v4 frens?
We've had 0 new cases for a while but it's picking up again
Hopefully this'll pass as well

lmao virgin four

not good but nobody seems to care since international travel is open again and there are little to no restrictions anymore

Lmao it's the burning bush from the prince of egypt

What were Hungarian warriors like in the 13th century, were they more like knights or horse archers?


mongol rape babies