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International #1269
American Dream(TM) housing
Ancestry thread
Guess country of origin
I could drive to Toronto. It's only 9 hours away
Are mestizos technically just brown hapas?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Your cunt
Are YOV redpilled?
/deutsch/ Sehr flauschige Ausgabe
Downtown USA city
Faces of Zig Forums
Should all animeposters be awarded the medal of honor?
Kurva anyátok
Spam gay shit on your board
Sverigetråden - Kinoupplagan
For the swiss user
Given one chance in life
Sweden be like
Mfw I am academically fluent in 6 languages
Please stop saying that Austrians are germans
Honestly, do you like to live in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Imagine if Russia was part of EU
I'm 23 years old and I've never had sex
What kind of swimsuit do people from your country usually wear on the beach? Pic related is Brazil
What makes them so special that they want a separate country...
Why does this scare amerikkkans so much???
Fucking based
Is your country a nintendo or movie country?
Would you accept Swedish refugees in your country?
Would you want to live in a comfy American suburb?
/ita/ - il filo
FUCK the French!!
Get a call from a temple priest at Haridvar
How well-known is the wild west in other countries? What do people think of it?
Can't wait for this piece of shit to die
Hey loser lol!!! Take your shirt off and come to the beach with us!
American poetry
Why does it have more culture than the north?
Balkan countries are implementing a lot of pro-gay, pro-women, pro-democracy laws so they can get into the EU
Sverigetråden - FredagsUpplagan
I really wish I didn't drop out of high school. Are people in your cunt stupid?
several US states will have only zero-effort to tamper mail voting during the 2020 Presidential elections
When his first language isn't even his ancestral language
Be me
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/mashriq/ + /maghreb/
She's below average here
Which one's whiter?
Do people in your country kill themselves because they don't get into university?
The fate of Italian boomers
Why UK has so little good looking cities compared to Spain... Italy... France and maybe Germany???
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Post military vehicles made by your army
Learn new russian words
Come home to the desert, white woman
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are their foods so mediocre despite being in the Mediterranean and the history of colonialism...
Which country would be the Capital of Each Worlds?
Comfy International Music Thread
/ita/ - il filo
In Afghanistan they take young boys as dancer/prostitutes because girls aren't allowed out of the house. Peak religion
Is argentina white?
Which country has women like this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
China is the only cradle of civilization still standing today
Seriously, the bullying against Dutch members of Zig Forums is getting way out of hand...
Sverigetråden - Biowulfazkvädeupplagan götar är härskarrasen
Are dutch people really this autistic?
Aussies fill me in on the Abos since I never hear about them, what are they like?
You see a negro walking towards you on the street
Thank you EU, very cool!
Poland: *autistic screetching*
What do italian men eat to get this body
Is this coomon in you're contry?
Was he dutch?
My hero
Itt we piss off Italians with warcrimes
How would girls in your country react if u took them out to eat kebab?
Why do russians hate him? IMO eh a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
What's your memory in this historical event?
How is this allowed?
Russia monke
Prove you are autistic otherwise go back to plebbit
Sverigetråden - Jaktupplagan
Hope you lads dont buy norweigan salmon
Is your country white?
/fr/ - le Francofil francophone
Are we spaniards considered white?
What's your opinion on irish people?
/mena/ + /شعب عظيمـ/
This is what peak performance looks like
/ישר/ /isr/ מהדורת סופ"ש
Do you need help Zig Forums?
They are killing each other again
Fucking Based!
Should fat people be allowed to vote in your country?
Why aren't you living in the forest right now?
I am a 5'6" male
What happens here?
Why are they heartless and unfeeling?
Take dna test
Im tired of the anglo world
Imagine there were only us whites in the world
/esp/ - Hilo español
(((They))) took this man from you. Be angry
Russia&China bad, America good
/v4/ + friends
Mfw live in germany
What do you think of Catholics/Catholicism?
U wake up in Train in Tokyo
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Average height in your country
Do other anons actually suffer from depression?
Germany should rule the world
Can you figure it out?
Wtf is happening in Poland?
Wtf is latinx?...
Post brave people from your country
/med/ - olive oil general
ITT: We post our countries personifications
God i wish i were a westerner
Why do americans fear this?? I thought they were prone to free market and shit
There's a beautiful story in the German press about how this German girl met her Black husband in Italy...
Girls in army uniforms are so H O T
/desi/-Dravidachad edition
Humans in 2020
People born in 2000 are turning TWENTY this year
I dislike America AND China!
(((They))) took this from us
How do you say “based” in your language?
Dutch town ends ties with Polish twin declared 'gay-free zone'
Israel keeps blowing up military targets in Iran...
Kurva anyátok
Do you hate your country's government
Countries for this feel?
This is the brazilian armored tank hunter car Sucuri
/ita/ - il filo
1. Your country
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Is it true white men like chicanos and mexicans now?
Is it true white women like chicanos and mexicans now?
I am Indian and want a blonde blue eyed gf...
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Do people in your country die because they can’t afford medication?
There's a beautiful story in the Finnish press about how this Finnish girl met her Argentinian husband in Spain...
How can European cities even compete
Everything below 100% is silly
Who is uglier?
Why do tall BWC white males smell so good?
Going through immigration
How do you feel about the Chinese being in Africa?
I hate my countrt
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post frogs
1. Your country
Name something you know about this country without mentioning the war
Why are you anons like this?
Why do south asian & MENA "men" love black cock so much?
Why is Japan such a successful country? High IQ?
That mentally ill gay Brazilian who thinks he’s white
The average Penis size in iran is 4.3 inches
What happens in the yellow area?
Abandoned IS-3 tank in Shikotan Islands
Hilo latino /lat/
Why do Middle Easterners brag about stealing white girl?
My surname is of basque origin
Do people like the smiths on your country?
His language has no gender
Sverigetråden - Hästtjejsupplagan
Got called anti-semitic on Reddit because I said we should stop giving Israel money. Does this happen in your cunt?
What do you think humans will look like 5000 years from now?
Downtown American City
BWC on asian girl's face
The Norwegian race is the best race
Why do Americans refuse to believe it's real?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/cum/ - canada usa mehicans
ITT: countries that would be based if they weren't muslim
Based israel
US Midwest
American men work 12 hours a day digging ditches or hosing down septic tanks or whatever and their reward is coming...
Do you like Japan?
Be american teenager
How would you protect yourself in a potential invasion?
Are there any people who speak Irish, but not English?
Is it true that Quebecois and other French Canadians look like mutts and are very swarthy?
Why are Chinese people so thin-skinned?
Daily dose
1. youre cunt
How old were you when you grew out of atheism? For me, it was 25
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2349
How do you say "Me too. Hitler dead, what now?" in your language?
What goes on here?
Fio /luso/
A typical Jewish American in the year 2020 c.e
Jap anons. Could I easily get a women in your country if I visited?
I feel like my life is literally like webm related
How old is too old Zig Forums?
Why does this country even exist...
What is life like in small-town Chile?
Favourite Dark Souls area? Smouldering Lake of course
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Tfw no AI-generated gf
Why are black people so good at making music? They even make better electronic music than whiteoids
What language(s) are you learning now, Zig Forums?
Have you ever been friends with a racist?
Rate brazilian pizza
Americans have a major city that is:
Indian frens, which casta do you belong?
Anger is a secondary emotion. It is often used to cover up primary emotions like anxiety and fear...
/lat/ hilo latino
Why are Italian-Americans so different from Italian-Brazilians and Italian-Argentines?
Do you believe or believe in religion or god? >How common are your views in your cunt?
Tonight I went at the beach and the water was clear
How is the situation like in Argentina?
He lives in a nanny state
I have never seen a Russian man cry
Do you love sweden?
Wat nou Zig Forums?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Be honest Zig Forums, do you have mommy issues? it would seem 3/4 of Zig Forums does
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
At what age did you realize that Anglos were the protagonists of history?
Congratulations! Your country won a free supply of one million migrants
What if this reality is just a computer simulation?
How do I get a Vietnamese gf like her?
ITT: Zig Forums in 1789
Could I pass as a local in your country?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Is it true that europeans don't bathe everyday? Euro people, explain yourselves
Hilo /esp/añol
Sverigetråden - Tommies upplaga
/ita/ - il filo
Hilo latino /lat/
/desi/-Jai Bheem edition
What do we do about Azerbaijan?
American Thread
Mexibros, I'm watching this, can you explain why everyone hates Sinaloa?
Why are germans so pro-EU?
Does this happen in your cunt?
ITT: post your dinner
Game set during the Viking raids of the British Isles
Kurva anyátok
Itt: translate shitty memes from your mother tongue to English
Nofap,mewing,cold shower,waking at 5am
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do they think that they can bully people and get away with it?
Serious question
Based zoomers
It's over for Egypt
What's the most prestigious university in your country?
/med/ - olive oil general
Where was/is int educated?
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
I've heard that most Corsicans don't want to be a part of France...
Why are they obsessed with gay people?
One chance in life
Americans of Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - Birger Jarls upplaga
/lang/ - language learning general
This is what Swedish no go ghettos look like
Is it scared of driving?
/fr/ - le francofil
Be pajeet with light skin
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
If you live in this country, and you're not learning the other official language in your spare time...
Where does Zig Forums fall?
Ahhh, KAVKAZIA, Home
I need more data
Guess my ethnicity
Post your desktop
Why do yuropoors seethe so much at American superiority...
Do you prefer the german or the italian tongue?
Europe will be 50% non-white by 2035
Frangleterre.... Home
Euros actually dressed like pic related and thought it was cool
Do they want to rejoin russia?
Tfw watching thing about fall of empire in my cunt
I am from Berlin, New Jersey
Best country for an American to move to?
What name would you assume if you were going undercover in France?
I miss him
How easy is to have sex in your country
Brazilian and American posters are easily the most retarded posters on this board
Sverigetråden - Gretaupplagan
Why are you still using Google Translate instead of the vastly superior DeepL, Zig Forums?
What's their endgame?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Why is England so bricky?
I saw some White American girl's profile on InterPals. It said "No Indians. No Indians. No Indians."
My gay friend doesn't want to date white boys because "they have no culture"
How good are you at writing large essays?
Non-whites ranked by how much they worship white “”womyn””
Do brits really
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Can you pass an 1870s literacy test designed to stop black people from voting?
1. Your country
One of these threads
Does Zig Forums read?
This is what is behind a anime girl picture
White girls love black dick!
Am i too pale?
Why do they think they are better than everyone else because they are blonde and have blue eyes?
BWC on asian girl's face
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
If your favorite video game isn't japanese/nintendo you're mentally ill
Are Greeks white?
How can dutch people live like this? flat terrain is boring
How was Hitler's death reported in your country's media?
How would you react if your wife cheated on you?
Come here, I'll take your virginity, you pathetic incel. It will only be $45 for half an hour
Local rabbi wants to teach me Hebrew for free
Would you be okay with Spanish women coming to your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What's the right move here?
Sverigetråden - Odlingsupplagan
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Why are trans like that?
Ça va?
BLM statue removed in UK
The PINOY man is the epitome of female sensuality and femininity
Does your cunt demonstrate whiteness?
That's how you should treat apus
/fr/ - le francofil
Name one good thing about this country that is not related to: food, women, art, weather, landscape or architecture
Noooooo chayna you can't just take back your own cityyyyy that's imperialissuuuuummm
Abram Petrovich Hannibal (Russian: Aбpáм Пeтpóвич Гaннибáл; 1696 – 14 May 1781)...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Do you like american cuisine?
Why are their English so ugly?
Is this powerful ?
5 days
Ur a cunt
Remove germs from BRITANNIA
Is there a racial slur that is supposed to insult you but you find it adorable?
Why don't europeans like nafris?
Are Ameriburgers mentally ill?
This is the world we are creating, congratulations
Ur country
Sverigetråden - kockupplagan
Comfy International Music Thread
R/iamverysmart Top Posts of All Time [2]
How do you call a black guy in Russia?
What kind of food do you like Zig Forums?
Unironically being dutch
/ita/ - il Filo
Do you like contemporary Russian commieblocks...
Literally hell on earth
/ita/ il filo
Death to America
HAH you think you can bear me jannies?
Why is the EU trying to kill Ireland?
Government just announced they're no longer releasing coronavirus numbers
Why is their cultural/media influence so low?
The Good Guys
Low test?
Does Zig Forums like arab food?
How long till France elects a black president?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2438
Thoughts on tourists?
Hey faggot miracles dont exist wake the fuck up and go hit the gym
I dont have any money
Miracle shot
Why are japanese cars such pieces of shit...
Are muslims holding the nation back?
Say something nice about this cunt
Would you live in a south korean insect hive?
Is this a polish thing or in last couple of years those fuckers multiply a lot?
ITT: Zig Forums in a world where Poland doesn't exist
If you aren't man enough to punch your bully in his face you do deserve it, but you are not at fault, it's your father...
Have you ever meet a blonde italian?
Just what is the rest of the world doing so right?
One race. the human race. and their eternal enemy: the jew
Sverigetråden - Prylar är dåliga
/ישר/ - /イスラ/ - /isr/ - /อิสร/ - מהדורת בבית אצל החברה
5 years on tinder
/fr/ - le francofil
Is sauna good for you?
Are white girls like this in your cunt?
Im Russian and 2 of my girlfriend were from Kazakhstan...
Are they cute?
First 3 letters of your mother's name
Mfw someone insults Archimedes
Mfw I am 214 cm / 7 feet 0.5 inches
I am 25 and never had sex or kissed a girl or had an informal conversation with a female my age does this happen in...
BTFO'd the British Empire
Surrender to police
/v4/ + friends
You wake up in Charleroi
British "people" measure weight with literal rocks
Do people in your country like the Queen?
Explain yourself tukey
By far the ugliest race
/esp/ - hilo español
/med/ - olive oil general
Assassin's Creed Valhalla has a nun killing poor innocent vikings in a blood sacrifice to God
Would you fight in a war between Greece and turkey?
What countries men do you find most attractive (from a platonic perspective)?
Zig Forums is at it again
Kurva anyátok
*mogs every other city on the planet*
Why do they think they're hot shit?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
They think Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are independent sovereign countries
New zealand
Thats not very cash money of you Muhammad
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hilo latino /lat/
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/ita/ - il filo
Hug your sister
How come he's the only American politician who has good ideas and don't sound completely insane but nobody likes him...
Why are their women so attractive but their men so unattractive?
Are people friendly to each other in your country?
The Korean "Gyeongbokgung palace" was built in 2009. The whole country is fake, a fabrication...
Japan anons how did you get such a cool culture?
Do americans really?
It would have been cool if these were American states
Why are you considered a loser if join the military in this country there are no jobs
/capu/ Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
Why are they the losers of the world?
/rus/ and friends
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Earn $65k AUD ($45k USD)
All anime watchers are pedophiles
Why are European women so beautiful lads? It isn't fair!
Teach me how to differentiate East Asians from Southeast Asians...
1. Your cunt
/tot wie das volk/ ehemals /deutsch/
If this senile, almost 78 year old man is elected president of the US, how does your country win or lose?
The image that divided Zig Forums
So is this the power of America?
Do you have a daughter Zig Forums?
Muh heritage thread
21 and never worked a day in my life
Eyes/Eyebrows/Eyelashes are literally the most important part of a girl
Latin America is not Western
Is South Brazil really that much better than the rest of the country?
/cum/ Canada, Mexico, USA
Literally no one could stop us we'd btfo Europe
BWC inside nigger girl's pussy
Is the average American even aware that Latinos (Mestizos) are mixed race...
ITT: Zig Forums rewrites history
/lat/ hilo latino
/fr/ - le Francofil francophone
¿What are your honest thoughts on Spanish culture?
My parents put everything into raising me and got a useless sack of shit in return
Holy shit i'm so fucking jealous of rich first worlders is not even funny
Went to gf’s house
You don't need a masks or vaccines son. Just eat your beans and you'll be strong, like papa
America doesn't even need Europe anymore
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine