Post your desktop

Post your desktop

Attached: poo.png (2560x1440, 2.64M)

Attached: Screenshot (50).png (1920x1080, 57.49K)

>Doesnt separate games by moving them to the right
do mutts really?

>windows store
Why not clean up your task bar?

Attached: 2020-07-16.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

Use Tale of Two Wastelands, lad.

Attached: 84839958492.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

>Fallout 1
>Stalker SHoC
>Hotline Miami
Yep, I'm thinking based

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hello friend

Attached: shitretardedoperatingsystem.jpg (2560x1440, 2.5M)

Nintendo has no games my man.

i only work on this machine nowadays...

Attached: Bez tytułu.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

wait, are you refering to Dolphin? that's the name of the KDE file browser, also the name of an emulator that I do not use.

>Windows 10

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why not use ublock and native window borders for chrome?

Attached: 2020-07-16_20-24.png (605x65, 21.21K)

no reason other than adblock has been working fine for me. What's the advantage?
>native window borders
because I use the pin to all desktops shortcut very often

apb uses more memory and comes with an acceptable ads list, which is just them charging others to get on that list.

Attached: Screenshot (43).png (2560x1080, 267.51K)

Alright, switched. Danke

Yes I have a shit monitor how did you know

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>3 browsers

Attached: eee.jpg (647x740, 44.3K)

That's actually pretty based. I use four.

>That's actually pretty based. I use four.

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Who are you quotinge?

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Attached: Captura de pantalla (85).png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

Post that midwest emo playlist, you cunt. Also, activate Windows you absolute snoozer.

a disney princess

>Post that midwest emo playlist
it's a sample for a beat lmao

>"avast kek"
>"ccleaner kek"
>"malwarebytes kek"

Attached: sdfer2.jpg (450x500, 63.26K)

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-07-16 22-16-18.png (1920x1080, 116.83K)

Seriously though, why?
You don't need anti virus software unless you're a boomer and/or retarded.
Also, firefox sucks.

thought this meme would have died by now

I prefer Vivaldi way more. For one, it lets me move the tabs to the side

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Attached: tela de trabalho.png (1920x1080, 2.78M)

You can't do that in chromium?
I mostly use palemoon or seamonkey.

>The Saboteur
Based taste

Send me the wallpaper pls

What's that?

Not that I'm aware, I don't think there's even an extension for it. Then Vivaldi is on the other end of the spectrum where I can make the tab background a gif if I want that for some reason

moding tool

Makes installing mods for certain games easier. I use it cause I’m lazy.

phoneposting itt

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I gotchu

Attached: Church_Heart_of_the_Andes.jpg (3787x2080, 3.31M)