
Eagrán núdail pota

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haven't been outside of Dublin in 5 years now and my soul yearns for the countryside

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Shone the sunset red and solemn
Where we stood and observed
Down the corners of the column
Letter strokes of Ogham carved
'tis belike a burial pillar
Said he and those shallow lines
Hold some warriors name of valour
And will rightly show the signs

No one saw, how far I fell
And no one ever knew
That there was a heart of flesh
Deep within me
As it was, bled of the twisted horn
And the howling of the dogs
Raise on old Heroes lament
While the weeping of women
Still vexes my heart

If this is my Journey End
Then cast me to the pyre
And if all that remains
Is a blackened heart
And the stench of death
Then know my spell is cast
And sing my song
With pride once more

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Do you retards like jam and scones?


I just learned what the job centre is.


>ready in 4 mins
Was it too much effort for them to write 'minutes'.

just crossed the so called border testing to see if i have a jack


Yes because idiots can't read big words

Why do I have to live in meath?

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In order to commute to Dublin

Hello /éire/!

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Yeah it sucks, desu I’d rather live in Dublin but rent is too expensive

My favourite Primordial song desu

Gonna survive on 30eur a week and start saving all of my dole money.

you will be wearing your overpriced masks everywhere to comply with regulations, right lads?
remember to respect our healthcare workers and most vulenrable and ensure social distancing!

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Yes. I will be doing all of those things.

>Yes. I will be making drastic changes to how I go about my day because of a hoax made to destroy the economy!

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Same, I wish my folks didn't leave it before I was born.

riddle me this, user. Do you personally know a SINGLE person who has this supposed "virus"? Celebrities and second hand reports from people you know claiming that they know someone do NOT count.
Imagine falling for the psyop and paying 20 quid for a box of masks.


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>piece of cloth over your face
>drastic change
come back to me when they're forcing vaccines or the tracking app.masks honestly should be worn over the flu season regardless.

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What are you gonna spend the savings on?


well? do you know a single person who has this virus? Surely if it's a pandemic half the people you know have it.
the redditors are already calling people murders for not having the tracking app installed

You can survive on a lot less than 30 euro a week.

Yes one of my neighbours got it.
Just because you're a neet that doesn't leave the house doesn't mean everyone else is as well lol


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>yes, I will be installing the government tracking app to slow the spread of covid-19! it's my duty to surrender my privacy to save the 80 year olds who contribute nothing to society!

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this but unironically
keep falling for the hoax and buying masks at 1000% markup, sheepies

>hey, excuse me friend, please move out of the way, we need to maintain the 2 metres social distancing!

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>blinding following whatever /r/pol says
>calls other people sheep

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At this stage I'd trust Zig Forums more than the eejits in Leinster house

>surrender privacy via bluetooth pings
>gives all his private data to google and Facebook

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Do you agree that the Irish and Welsh are far superior to the Scots and English?


Based thank you brother.
Tiocfaidh ár lá. Confiwch Dryweryn.

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Moving abroad. Need a bit of a buffer.
I guess so. I don't even really need to buy food since I just steal my parents. 30 eur is just realistic because I will allow myself the odd luxury.