Why do so many black American girls fight like this? Why are they so vicious when they fight white girls?
Why do so many black American girls fight like this? Why are they so vicious when they fight white girls?
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Weak white boi got his ass beat by black queens
> Why are they so vicious when they fight white girls?
thats how they fight everybody
t. use to live near chicago and would regularly see black girls jump other girls at the faire every year
>that cucked white boi
Yeah. Sad
Nigresses are mad at them for stealing their men
It's like they just wave their arms around using their superior body mass against the white girls. It looks savage. I wanna dress up like a girl and beat the shit out of a black woman
Why can't wyties fight
true degeneracy culture
I could honestly see this being a jealousy thing
I used to be very open-minded about other cultures.
I've studied cultural anthropology.
I love visiting different continents and soak up a different way of life.
But African Americans are just animals, the women even more so than the men. Shame because all actual Africans I've met were super nice.
Literal monkeys.
It's ok to feel this way, Im a xenophile with an affinity for actual Africans but I despise the rotten American variety too.
Monkeys are cute
Kinda dumb to instigate a fight even further against a mob of them.
I feel bad for her bf. Dumb bitch couldn't read the room. Not that she deserved the beating just because of it but that wasn't smart
I would be turned on in this situation and I would spread my legs subtly to encourage them to kick my balls
although they'd probably focus on the girl and feel bad for kicking the guys balls here
These are ugly stupid monkeys.
Why do women and blacks slap each other instead of punching?
>racebait after racebait
skjut dig själv
>du får inte breva roliga grejer på mitt bögbräde
Drick kiss sötis
>hehe misshandel roli
kryp tillbaka till Zig Forums stjärtgosse
>hehe misshandel tråki XD
Gör en kullerbytta och rulla tillbaka till sweddit bajskompis
>Why do people fight like they intend to win the fight
This is why Sweden is cucked
Why is he lying on top of his woman and taking hits instead of fighting them?
Is he dumb?
Slaps are based
If a white man punch a black woman in modern America he would be fired from his job or expelled from college.
wtf race is this guy
>Peña came to the US from the Dominican Republic and was a right-handed pitcher for an Oakland A’s minor-league farm team
the afro-saxoid sissy fears the DVMINICAN BVLL